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To: ProgressingAmerica
Nature abhors a vacuum, and rabble always fill the vacuum. But why is there a vacuum? Where is everybody? Why is there a vacuum?

Several factors, not the least of which is media and cultural brainwashing.

When the courts started destroying the normal Christian doctrines in place in our society, this began to normalize apathy to Christian teachings and principles.

The media people also promote anti-Christian ideas and doctrines.

There are also a lot more things for people to do, and so many have dropped out of attending church services. The attendance of church was a social occasion and in the absence of more interesting things to do, many people preferred meeting like minded people in church.

There are a lot of factors regarding how we got here. I only named few.

The bigger question is "What can be done about it? "

12 posted on 07/09/2024 10:33:35 AM PDT by DiogenesLamp ("of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty.")
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To: DiogenesLamp
I mainly posted to get people to think about it. However, this:

The bigger question is "What can be done about it?"

I think all of your observations are correct. I think you missed a huge one but I'll get to that last.

The only actionable answer I can come up with is to learn more about the Founders, to acculturate to them to become more like them.

As you know, I have the whole audio book thing and it is quite successful. Not as much as I would like - but better than I initially hoped.

However, I've come to notice that the amount of hatred I see when I remind people that the Founding Fathers were themselves protesters and were themselves activists is palpable. Conservatives do not want to remember that part.

"What can be done about it?" We need to be activists and protesters like the Founding Fathers were. Involved, every single day, doing something actionable.

I have not seen any other actionable answer to the question. But it is clear that we cannot vote our way out of this problem. The only way out is to activist our way out, just like the Founding Fathers. They are the "model".

13 posted on 07/09/2024 9:50:36 PM PDT by ProgressingAmerica (We cannot vote our way out of these problems. The only way out is to activist our way out.)
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