A hard copy of this surfaced while cleaning the garage, I thought I'd share...
To: null and void
We have seen number 17 in action on FR.
2 posted on
06/16/2024 9:37:40 PM PDT by
(The woke were surprised by the reaction to the Bud Light fiasco. May there be many more surprises)
To: Robert DeLong
Sounds like one of our resident Democrat Party operatives...
4 posted on
06/16/2024 9:38:59 PM PDT by
(FR Democrat Party operatives! Rally in defense of your Colombian cartel stooge Merchan!)
To: null and void
6 posted on
06/16/2024 9:48:34 PM PDT by
("They say that we were Cold Warriors. Yes, and a bloody good show, too." - Robert Conquest )
To: null and void
[Wax indignant. This is also known as the "How dare you?" gambit.]
HOW DARE YOU??!! You and the dog are definitely working together!!!
There - NOW it's working properly
7 posted on
06/16/2024 9:51:00 PM PDT by
(Luke 17:28 ... as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold ......)
To: null and void
Ououou, saw this in action regarding the Benghazi attack, culminating in #8, re-worded as What difference at this point does it make?
8 posted on
06/16/2024 10:31:45 PM PDT by
To: null and void
11 posted on
06/17/2024 2:39:53 AM PDT by
(A person who seeks the truth with a closed mind will never find it. He will only confirm his bias.)
To: null and void
12 posted on
06/17/2024 2:54:40 AM PDT by
Sirius Lee
(They intend to kill us. Plan to avoid this.)
To: null and void
18. The DOJ conducts a 5am SWAT raid on the whistleblowers charging them with crimes.
To: null and void
Every one of these reminded me of Hillary.
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