Posted on 03/11/2024 8:20:50 AM PDT by ChicagoConservative27
I’m shocked! Dissing half the voter population didn’t work????.........................
Yowling like a maniac ineffective?!? Who could have known!
“Failed to improve”?
That’s a huge success. It should have collapsed his popularity and support 50% or more.
Uniting the country by telling half of the people that they suck. It was a bold move, but I guess it didn’t work.
The rational for using the term would have gone like this: President Sniffer: "Won't that word tick off my supporters?" Chief handler: "Thirty three million people will hear the word 'illegal' and think you're unhappy with illegals crossing the border. That makes our campaign lies about wanting the border closed more believable."
President Sniffer: "Oh how I love to lie and fool the yokals - yeah, leave the word in the speech.
It would have served him well if he had delivered a calm, thoughtful, dignified speech, relatively free of partisan digs. But Joe Biden is incapable of any of that. As Ronald Reagan observed years ago, writing about Biden in his diary, He was “smooth, but pure demagoguery.” Hasn’t changed a bit.
I thought Biden’s use of the word “illegal” was in his impromptu remarks about “Lincoln” Riley. So not on his TelePrompter.
Biden’s vote margin in 2020 was 7 million votes. 5 Million of those were in California. 2 Million in NY. There was one other state with 1M+ vote margin and that was Illinois.
In no state did Trump have over 1 million vote margin, not even Florida or Texas.
The Biden support is extremely narrow. It is for this reason it is essentially impossible that every swing state would have gone to him. That is the most compelling evidence of cheating, which of course had nothing to do with software. It was zealots getting many ballots mailed to single addresses to be filled out by those zealots. They could move a few 10,000s of votes that way.
27% of the electorate are GOP and 27% are Democrats. 47% are Independents. There will be fewer than 10% of each party that votes the other direction. This has always been so and will be so again this year. The Never Trump wackos are not more prominent than any other year being anti GOP.
Independents will decide the election, as always, and they are interested in Drain the Swamp and Build the Wall. They care nothing about tax or spending policy because they understand that never changes with either party.
Since it was mostly the same speech and talking points as the 2023 SOTU (with a few more current points thrown in), there’s no reason it should change his popularity.
Those 35% are die-hard lefties, they’d vote for him no matter how senile he gets, as long as boys can use girl’s bathrooms and voter IDs are banned.
I saw a San Francisco street corner junkie in a three piece suit, who was on adrenalin and amphetamines,waving his hands around and yelling.
I only watched for 5 minutes and that was enough for me.
The 30% who say neither may not vote.
Independents did not decide 2020. It was cheat-by-mail-in ballots in GA, AZ, MI, WI, and PA.
Nothing has been done about the mail-ins.The Democrats were hoping Trump would not be on the ballot so they didn't have to resort to them again. But they will.
The 36% that approve of Biden’s handling of the economy live in an alternate universe. Probably only DEI and woke university staffs were surveyed.
I think he went off script a little. Greene got him to talk about Riley’s murder.
Most people don’t watch the SOTU speech. The ones who do probably follow the news fairly closely and already have firm opinions. Of course the media played excerpts that they consider most favorable to Biden. So if they didn’t move the needle then I guess that’s a good sign.
Largely, the RNC has to push VBM, too. There will be a reservoir of lazy Republicans, and Independents, who are too lazy to vote in person, and would not at all without VBM.
Since VBM is now the standard nationwide, the Trump team has to be sure that reservoir is not left untapped.
No one has mentioned that he stumbled on much of the text. Only Brit Hume noted his slurred speech but didn’t dwell upon it.
Failed to improve on his lying? Over 30 lies.
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