Posted on 02/17/2024 7:21:25 PM PST by george76
The Biden administration’s Center for Disease Control also granted Gentili’s organization, $540,000 for “trans outreach”
Disgusting misuse of taxpayer funds.
Such events do not occur outside the Church leadership.
Now they see it is an offense? Guess they only see it that way now because it was made public and they got caught.
Really hard to see Christ in the Roman Catholic Church these days.
The Church does not allow for this. People, corrupt people, running the churches do
The Church IS the body of Christ.
That is why I said it is hard to see Christ in the RC Church these days.
People are the Church.
A priest presided, right? Name him.
Did Francis send a telegram to Dolan saying something like, “How cool, dude”?
I read it, that the leadership claims to have been uninformed is no better than if they were. I find it had to believe the leadership was uninformed.
I had to work our burial details for my father, the leadership of the Church / Cemetery were VERY involved in exactly what kind of service it would be and how it was presented. So yes I find he stated excuse to be weak.
Not very Christlike in your reply.
Christians are called to hold other Christians accountable. That I do so and then receive such an abrasive remarks speaks for itself. There was really no reason to respond with such vitriol.
Then you’re not lookingv
No. That is incorrect
The Catechism:
“ the assembly of those whom God’s Word “convokes,” i.e., gathers together to form the People of God, and who themselves, nourished with the Body of Christ, become the Body of Christ.”
I think you misunderstood my remark.
It was not a remark saying it does not occur but a remark stating the leadership was likely aware.
I say it again, The Church is the Body of Christ and it is composed of his believers. Not a brick building or a man made institution
Ephesians 5:23
For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior.
1 Corinthians 12:12
For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
The leadership, if It wasn’t aware, was terribly negligent, and completely derelict
They are not acting in unison with the Church, but the opposite. And they do not have the power to change the Church. The Church did not allow this. The people in it did. They don’t change the Church
“ I say it again, The Church is the Body of Christ and it is composed of his believers. Not a brick building or a man made institution”
What are you quoting there?
That was a statement from me directly and I added the verses from which I refer to in holding that belief.
I agree with what you said about people acting outside the Church ( as denoted by the Church being the actual Body of believers in Christ).
My struggle is the perception continually promoted that somehow the leadership actions or inactions within a religious body must be overlook yet the same body continues to claim sole authority in the faith, vested specifically in that leadership. So much as to insist individuals must always accept the leaderships interpretations of scripture as opposed to seeking for themselves.
God / Jesus wants a personal relationship with each of us, not an intermediary relationship. We must ultimately decide for ourselves to follow Christ and learn His teaching. I must add I am not saying to to exclude inspired men of faith helping us along the way. Just that being a priest doe snot automatically make one an inspired man of faith, nor even a man of faith.
Yet some religions vest sole authority in their priests for the interpretation of the scriptures
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