Posted on 05/21/2023 4:29:17 AM PDT by george76
most federal lands in the west need to be sold and then pay off the national debt with the money.
They want to push everyone into mega-cities, take away gas-powered transportation, and manage us like animals in a zoo.
Bureaucrats continue their power grabs while Congress struts for the cameras.
Asked whether western ranchers should be concerned, McDonald said he “would be pretty worried.” More than 90 percent of the land owned by the federal government is out West. Although proposed guidelines offer protections for those with valid existing rights, ranchers might lose their chance to renew their claims thanks to competition from deep-pocketed environmental groups that can now claim priority.
“Ranchers should definitely be concerned enough to be paying attention,” McDonald said, adding the proposal has created “storm clouds on the horizon.”
Pendley was more fatalistic. “It’ll drive them out of business,” the former BLM director said. “We have ranches in the West that exist because they have a grazing allotment.”
“Livestock people settled the West, so when you take away the ability of a ranch to graze on an allotment associated with the ranch, then that’s the end of the ranch,” Pendley added. “They’re able to graze their livestock on BLM or Forest Service lands and it makes that ranch economical.”
The new rules appear to come straight from BLM Director Tracy Stone-Manning’s 1992 graduate thesis. While her 2021 nomination was controversial primarily over her history as an ecoterrorist, Biden’s BLM chief also condemned public grazing and promoted a Chinese-style child cap. Stone-Manning now oversees 155 million acres of grazing land, about the size of Arizona and New Mexico.
Grazing Is Good for Our Diet..
BLM’s new rules thus threaten to take out ranchers, the original conservationists. A major blow to regenerative ranching, which incorporates animals as critical to the natural biological cycle, could actually be detrimental to the nation’s health.
Yeah, but....but...SQUIRREL! I mean Ukraine!
UN Agenda 21 , 2030 , Great Reset . ( Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the list.)
If we don’t start making headway reigning in the totality UNCONSTITUTIONAL administrative alphabet agencies we’re doomed. They all need to go away. The most immediate ones that needs to go away are the ATF, FBI, Department of Homeland Security, EPA, Federal Department of Education. Congress should refuse to budget them one thin dime.
The BLM is crooked.
Agenda 21, except they missed the first target date. I think they call the insidious plan Agenda 2030 now. Still the same shitshow, however.
Klaus Schwab is one evil person. He’s the reincarnation of David Rockefeller and Maurice Black!
Sort of reminds me of "Oath of Fealty" by Larry Niven.
“national debt”
Bideninflation has cut the burden of the national debt by over 30% and far more than selling all federal real property would.
The problem of the debt is that the nation’s credit card is being used by the Democrats to buy votes. We got Joe as President because he offered bribes to graduates ($10,000/head), parents ($7,000/child credit), old folks (SS increase) to win victory over Trump.
The $10,000/$20,000 ‘rat graduate vote buying scheme would needless allow an $80,000/year nurse to have her $4,000 remaining debt wiped out but only reduce the crushing $250,000 debt of a woman making $32,000/year by 4% or 8%.
Leasing land is always better than selling the land as the government gets most of the economic use value of the land in money and still owns the land.
I suspect grazing has the merit of reducing the danger of fire.
Some hamburger (96/4) is close to $7/pound at Walmart.
I’m eating far less hamburger nowadays.
That’s why it’s so important to reelect President Trump in 2024. Somebody needs to unscrew these messes Mr. PedoDemento is making.
We need to start sanctioning alphabet agency administrators who take license with their legal authorities. If an administrator stretches the meaning of what they are legitimately allowed to do (like defining “refugee” to mean anyone who crosses the border, or defining “land use” to mean not using the land), then they should be held personally liable. That means taking their pensions, homes, boats, you name it, just like they now personally sanction oligarchs in the name of foreign policy aims.
From what I’ve heard, the Supreme Court has already ruled at least twice that the federal gov’t has no authority to hold these lands. State Gov’s need to seize the lands & throw the feds out. Let them pay off the debt by taking billionaires’ money, since those people are mostly using their wealth to abuse us.
There will be ski resorts and dachas for the elites—some peons may be allowed to visit as servants.
I see our friends are at it again.
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