Posted on 03/10/2023 7:51:10 AM PST by janetjanet998
I just can’t see Democrats voting for this. It’s surprising.
Can you say modified limited hangout, boys and girls?
I knew you could!
Because the intelligence is obfuscated by being inconclusive and all over the map. It will be a maze that is blocked at every possible path.
This way they can claim transparency without really getting down to the heart of the matter.
just can’t see Democrats voting for this. It’s surprising
They must think it’s going to trickle out anyway and they will look like fools if they voted against it
But there also must be evidence on natural origin too because FAUCI on FOX yesterday emphasized the Chinese covering up forbidden animals being sold at the wet market
The Dems can safely vote for it because they know Biden will veto the bill. More DC kabuki theater.
If it was truly of natural origin, then Moderna wouldn’t have had the dna sequence patented already before January 2020. How else were the “vaccines” ready to go for testing so quickly?
The Democrats can cover for Fauci and Collins all they want, but anyone with common sense can figure this one out. You have to willfully ignore the evidence in order to think this was natural.
I see this as sneakily worded and circuitous shuckin’ n jivin’ away from the U.S.’s involvement in the development (funding and research) of the the laboratory gained function virus. It looks to me like the U.S. side of this is not in the discovery picture at all.
Neo cons want to switch the warpath from Ukraine to China
Huh? This is completely out of left field. There must be a guarantee that it will fall under some DOJ investigation or some other dodge to keep the details from the public. It doesn’t pass the smell test for me. We won’t see the facts, that I am confident of.
Nobody except an absolute blithering idiot would try to veto this bill - Oh, wait.....
House votes to declassify info about origins of COVID-19
WASHINGTON (AP) — The House voted unanimously Friday to declassify U.S. intelligence information about the origins of COVID-19, a sweeping show of bipartisan support near the third anniversary of the start of the deadly pandemic.
The 419-0 vote was final approval of the bill, sending it to President Joe Biden’s desk to be signed into law.
Debate was brief and to the point: Americans have questions about how the deadly virus started and what can be done to prevent future outbreaks.
“The American public deserves answers to every aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Rep. Michael Turner, R-Ohio, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
That includes, he said, “how this virus was created and, specifically, whether it was a natural occurrence or was the result of a lab-related event.”
Which simply means the cia won’t release it else if they do, they will just lie.
I thought I read somewhere this morning that the blithering idiot in the WH is expected to veto it. But who knows for sure what he’ll do.
since it was a unanimous vote they would be able to override any veto.
When was the last time the House voted unanimously on anything?
What about the Senate ???
Already passed the senate
16 reps didn’t vote?
I suppose a few could be excused - heck, 3% of the Senate is presently “under care”.
But I think a couple of primary challengers somewhere just got a gift.
I suppose Biden could “pocket veto” it to buy time to figure out what to do...
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