To: conservative98

Leave me alone, Jesse, I'm trying to have some me time in Delaware.
To: conservative98
Time for his weekly treatment and drug cocktail.
4 posted on
02/24/2023 8:38:50 PM PST by
(I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
To: conservative98
Come election time I hope everyone in Ohio and Pennsylvania remembers how Biden discarded them.
To: conservative98
8 posted on
02/24/2023 9:30:01 PM PST by
(Trump Lake 2024....Go down swinging!)
To: conservative98
Yesterday, The Five covered Buttihead saying he lost his train of thought, while in East Palestine. Unfortunately, I missed it. I would have loved to hear what Tyrus said about that.
9 posted on
02/25/2023 2:29:58 AM PST by
To: conservative98
Need a convoy of tanker trucks to fill up in Palestine and line the street near his house and dump their load
To: conservative98
I guess I’m asking myself what good it would do to have him visit there. It would be nothing but a political photo op. Get the hell out of the way and let the people who know how to clean things up clean it up.
11 posted on
02/25/2023 5:49:07 AM PST by
( )
To: conservative98
I hope the ‘media’ has the stones to give us some wide shots. I look forward to seeing all the creative posters and signs!! 😁
12 posted on
02/25/2023 6:15:11 AM PST by
(“Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face.” Thomas Sowell)
To: conservative98
14 posted on
02/25/2023 7:15:02 AM PST by
(I say things that are true . . . I have no proof, but they're true.)
To: conservative98
Biden doesn’t do fly over zones he only fly’s east.
15 posted on
02/25/2023 9:10:48 AM PST by
To: conservative98
I may have missed it, but I didn’t hear one of them speak Trump’s name, mention what Trump did, how he shamed the Feds to finally show up, etc.
17 posted on
02/25/2023 9:25:13 AM PST by
(Stupid is supposed to hurt.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson