Posted on 10/25/2022 2:17:16 PM PDT by dennisw
The Europeeing kleptocrats run up the Jolly Roger.
If they’re looking for a way to ratchet up and expand the war, sure.
Wait’ll the dirty RuZZians take it out in trade, boykas.
Get the oligarch yachts first and auction them off to the Arabians. With high oil prices they are very flush these days. Tie up the mega yachts in Dubai for inspection. Then hold the auctions.
My bid for a prime yacht starts at $100,000,000. But the yacht must include the yachting girls
Escalating economic warfare might — just might — have unintended consequences.
Look: Russia does have oil. And Russia does have food. And Russia’s population is not huge. These are all good things for Russia. Pushing the world into a global economic crisis will hurt millions of people. And probably very, very few of those people will speak Russian.
Take Russia’s assets and give them (less joe’s 10%) to the Ukranian leadership .
Once they do that, Russia can consider Ukraine as being paid for.
So the Ukrainian plutcrats are not expected to tap their accounts to help with the home country?
This would be pure theft. If Ukraine wants Russian they can negotiate for reparations. Any individual or country that might be in the potential sights of the EU and WEF get your money out now.
“The Europeeing kleptocrats run up the Jolly Roger.”
Mere commentary compared to klepto Putin, who is worth 200 million via skimming Rus energy sales.
Then invaded Ukraine klepto style, to steal its Black Sea oil and gas. And Ukie farmlands that have black soil that is 4 meters deep.
Back on the days when nations had integrity, the British did not touch one pence of Americans who had assets and money overthrew; including George Washington. They understood if they went down that road, no sane person would trust them again.
It'll would be swell to see Ursula and her Euro kleptocrat pals decorating yardarms in Sevastopol.
What?? You're not on the Get Putin War Wagon? What's he gonna do over his stolen gold/assets - nuke the first few countries that tries it? Is that gold or getting Putin worth risking that? No, we have to go down the path our genius Congress has led us down and spend billions more on this righteous war (hold up Ukranian picture). So, some more Ukranians get killed, Germans freeze in the winter and world peace is in our rearview mirror, it's full steam ahead.
The real piracy is your Putin invading Ukraine, to steal its farmlands and oil and gas.
Russians= A degenerate nation of Kleptos. Degenerates? Check out their ultra-high abortion rates. Rus are world leaders.
“And Russia’s population is not huge. These are all good things for Russia.”
Yeah, that third one might be a negative when you are stuck fighting a trench war that your President won’t give up on.
There will be a great sucking sound as assets leave the reach of their "international bank and piracy association".
Stealing is not a “thorny legal question.”
It’s called THEFT. But, since we under Biden are the new evil empire, no one should be surprised.
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