Posted on 10/25/2022 12:49:49 PM PDT by Angelino97
Including the companies upset over Kanye's mean tweets. How many of them fund or promote BLM, CRT, anti-white racist hiring (i.e., Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) etc.
I wish whites and Christians were able to so thoroughly cancel even billionaires.
Simple Math would indicate that he far from the end of the road.......
This story is there to scare off anyone willing to go against Deep State.
Selling overpriced sneakers to ghetto kids...he's better than that. I'm sure he'll find a way to re-invent himself.
There is a theory by some people that he had to sign over rights to Kim...and thus doesnt care if his brand is trashed..and it may even be on purpose
They are using the Alex Jones precedent of kangaroo courts, woke judges and lies.
Another victim of the kardashin curse.
So do I, friend.
Trashing his clothes makes the value go up as people will need to buy new and can’t buy used.
Kanye should be OK.
Kanye is getting the Runaway S lave treatment from the Communist Party.
Such a moron. He was doing better than ever before, and then had to say these silly things. No Joooos were keeping him down. He was free to record whatever he wanted, design and sell whatever he wanted with some of the world’s top brands. did he go off his meds? the whole thing makes no sense. And Tucker Carlson and Candance Owens are left embarassed by his stupid behavior after they defended and promoted him. Jackass...get some help!
If a substantial part one’s net worth is based on the future proceeds from a contract, and said contract can be voided, then that person’s net worth is not what it is advertised to be.
All these people who are angry with Kanye are the same people who were giddy with praise for Obama when he made a deal with Iran to help them get a nuclear weapon that they will use to wipe out the nation of Israel!
Don’t those companies all use slaves to manufacture their products anyway?
There is a theory by some people that he had to sign over rights to Kim...and thus doesnt care if his brand is trashed..and it may even be on purpose
So, if the current “phase” of Kanye is community property, but any new thing/re-invention/next phase is post-separation and separate property, interesting. However, if he violated his fiduciary responsibility to the community...
(Need Family Law practitioners to comment!)
Exactly! He dug his own hole - then dug some more.
I think this is just the straw. Kanye has been weird and annoying and offensive and just generally unlikable for a long time. Eventually the world was just going to have enough of him. And it probably should have happened years ago.
Kanye is a lion. He brandishes foundational Christian teachings as a searing rod. He calls out false semitism and is excoriated for telling deep and terrible truths. Echoes of the thundering Voice of God lead him.
Vile hate/filled anti-Jewish postings snd publications are rampant and have been for a very ling time, with no reaction, ir only faint reaction from the “legacy media” of the Left. Ditto for the Left when it comes to anti-Chtistian acts and postings. The reason the Left’s strategists have orchestrated the spot lights on this particular high profile person is that he made friends with and supports Donald Trump. For this reason and this reason alone, they have circled Kanye like a pack if rabid dogs, to destroy him. Most in the Jewish community don’t realize that the orchestrated “outrage” is not about Jews: It’s just one more “perfect” media opportunity to ignite widespread outrage for their own political purpose - to launch campaigns they hope will keep opinion-makers from endorsing Trump. They hope that the public will be moved emotionally to think that Donald Trump expressed the bizarre phrase in question. If Kanye were a hard core Leftist, there would be no Leftist press feigned tempest. It’s all about Trump.
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