Posted on 10/05/2022 6:39:51 AM PDT by Timber Rattler
“ex-CIA chief says”
Hold on....hold on....lemme catch my breath......
‘The Limits of Ukraine’s Offensive and the High Price to Pay When it Ends’ (Might have to start from beginning where mention is made of such a Russian move)
Never call a guy sitting on a nuclear arsenal, some of which just might work, “out of moves”.
All your annexations are belong to us!!
And the ‘partial mobilization’ will now might become a full blown mobilization/ declaration of war now that the 4 locations were Annexed and Federated with Russia.
China, Iran, North Korea, Azerbaijan, Armenia, etc. may also start up their own actions.
Situation is going to get a whole lot uglier.
An “unnamed” ex-Cia chief who spoke on condition of anonymity for National Security reasons.
Bwaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I have not been worrying about it all.
Apparently, you pro-Ukrainian pundits are though given the sheer amount of threads your like have been incessantly posting within/on FR over the course of these offensives pumping them while ignoring that they are nothing more than illusionary, superficial wins/gains while the Ukrainian military is getting further wrecked and depleted.
Ukraine is in shambles and Russia still has Russia. Ukriane has gained nothing except self destruction and a sh** load of money from us.
Its trying to gain its freedom, which to Ukrainians is important.
How much of that money stayed in Ukraine? Did Brandon get his 10%?
“Out of moves”…statement or warning?
Taking back and making themselves well defined targets...
Just out of curiosity, what would an actual successful, rather than “superficial,” Ukrainian offensive look to you?
The better question is are all successes weighted the same?
Like all Russian shills, he won’t answer the question
he’s only here to deny anything that makes Ukraine look good or Russia look bad
You Soros, Schwab, Obama/Biden NeoCon shills have plenty to worry about.
I wonder if Putin isn’t pulling back because he is about to turn those areas into nuclear wastelands?
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