They love extortion
To: ChicagoConservative27
This is the exact same blueprint that was used in South Africa.
Next, they’ll be coming for your land, as “ reparations “.
2 posted on
04/06/2022 5:19:49 PM PDT by
To: ChicagoConservative27
Rev. Al Sharpton and Martin Luther King III are racists.
3 posted on
04/06/2022 5:20:20 PM PDT by
((The above is not a statement of fact. It is either opinion, or satire. Or both.))
To: ChicagoConservative27
4 posted on
04/06/2022 5:21:47 PM PDT by
(there is no fall back position, there's no rally point, there is no LZ... we're on our own. #FJB)
To: ChicagoConservative27
MLK III Has Dr. MLK spinning in his grave.
5 posted on
04/06/2022 5:24:27 PM PDT by
To: ChicagoConservative27
Headline: Sharpton, MLK III ask Biden to urge diverse judicial nominations in Delaware That's not true. The story says they want black judicial nominations.
6 posted on
04/06/2022 5:24:44 PM PDT by
(Our BIGGEST problem, by far, is that most of the media is hate & agenda driven, not truth driven.)
To: ChicagoConservative27
The real MLK was a logical thinker - skin color should count not all in hiring - not at all. Anyone who claims otherwise is the racist. Marxists destroy from within every country they put their putrid hands on. Do not let this happen to your country, or you will not have a country in very short order.
To: ChicagoConservative27
Tawana Brawley says, “Hello”.
To: ChicagoConservative27
There diversity is socalits, Marxists, and commies.
11 posted on
04/06/2022 5:47:19 PM PDT by
(America Cowboy up! )
To: ChicagoConservative27
Michael King. I grew tiresome of the worship of this commie once I read the reality of his life. He is not a man to be admired. He was just another radical racist poverty pimp who gave empty speeches well.
12 posted on
04/06/2022 6:14:08 PM PDT by
Organic Panic
(Democrats. Memories as short as Joe Biden's eyes)
To: ChicagoConservative27
Pick the black guy! Pick the black guy! In the name of diversity, pick the motherf**king black guy!
14 posted on
04/06/2022 7:13:38 PM PDT by
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