Pets? You said pets? Little Rubio has got this in hand. The COMPETES act, passed by the House, has an amendment that bans all pets - minus cats, dogs and farm animals - from transport within the country and between the states. There are a few exempt species, those sold by Central Pet. He has created a White List of about 25 species of animals allowed to be transported. ALL the rest, about 20 thousand, will be banned. Fines and penalties, $25K and 5 years in federal prison. Yes. It is really happening!
And Rubio? He thinks he is a genius. Ignorant twit. Pet lovers will burn him at the stake.
Probably concern about zoonotic diseases and invasive species. Florida citrus farmers are suffering from imported plant diseases and insects, released pets that have become invasive and that devour native wildlife and so on. Not unlike concern about transporting unvetted/illegals all over the country risking disease and crime.