David Ferriero, who's set to retire in April, has been the head of the National Archives and Records Administration since 2009, where his duties typically entail overseeing the agency's three dozen facilities around the US that hold more than 13 billion pages of documents. His role is also to formally add amendments to the US Constitution -- which hasn't been put to use during his tenure, as the Constitution hasn't been amended since 1992.
1 posted on
02/20/2022 6:14:37 PM PST by
To: Beowulf9
Will the next Archivist ram the expired, illegitimate, ERA Amendment into the Constitution? Don’t be surprised if he/she/it does it.
2 posted on
02/20/2022 6:44:14 PM PST by
(12/14 - 930am -rampage begins... 12/15 - 1030am - Obama's advance team scouts photo-op locations.)
To: Beowulf9
So let me get this right.
Trump handled all those document and said, “Hey I want this
one. And I want that one. Hey I want all those over there
too. Psst, don’t tell anyone. Okay, let’s go. Bring all
those boxes!” /s
I’m sure he’s been pouring over all those documents late at
night thinking, “Oh I’m so glad I took that one. Oh those
too...” .s
Do these people even think before they make accusations
like this?
How would Trump know he had Top Secret documents unless
someone told him. He could go a decade and not know.
I’m so sick of these GOTCHA moments!
All together now!
“Trump is done for now! This is it. He’ll never get out
of this!”
3 posted on
02/20/2022 6:46:55 PM PST by
(I pledge allegiance to the flag of the U S of A, and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands.)
To: Beowulf9
David Ferriero, who's set to retire in April, has been the head of the National Archives and Records Administration since 2009Since 2009, eh? Some dimwitted Kenyan must have called in a favor. Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to do anything that would play into the hands of the harassing Marxists.
4 posted on
02/20/2022 7:11:26 PM PST by
Major Matt Mason
(It's becoming more difficult to tell the difference between a RINO and a Marxist.)
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