Sad but predictable tale of snowflake panic after a "devout Marxist" student was murdered in broad daylight. Refund the police gathers momentum as students and parents demand more security in a city that recorded an all time record for homicides.
To: Kid Shelleen
2 posted on
12/07/2021 8:01:59 AM PST by
The Louiswu
(Peace to you and may God Bless you all)
To: fatima; Fresh Wind; st.eqed; xsmommy; House Atreides; Nowhere Man; PaulZe; brityank; Physicist; ...

Pennsylvania Ping!
Please ping me with articles of interest.
FReepmail me to be added to the list.
3 posted on
12/07/2021 8:04:21 AM PST by
(I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
To: Kid Shelleen
The BLM movement is responsible for the deaths of over 1000 black men. This is the increase in the number of them murdered from 2019 to 2020, and this arguably occurred because of the decrease in policing caused by the BLM movement. The numbers for 2021 are going to be similarly bad, so add another 1000 or so.
4 posted on
12/07/2021 8:04:34 AM PST by
(Islam delenda est)
To: Kid Shelleen
5 posted on
12/07/2021 8:05:10 AM PST by
(I am a binary Trinitarian. Deal with it!)
To: Kid Shelleen
If I was the mayor, I would order the police to refuse until the University publicly endorses the need for police.
6 posted on
12/07/2021 8:08:55 AM PST by
Erik Latranyi
(We are being played by forces most do not understand)
To: Kid Shelleen
Sorry Temple. You support “reimaging policing” and I support less Marxists by any means necessary. Reap the whirlwind, you boneheads.
7 posted on
12/07/2021 8:09:21 AM PST by
(Q: Never have so many, been so wrong, so often)
To: Kid Shelleen
Those parents need to learn that “equity” means the final solution for white people.
9 posted on
12/07/2021 8:11:53 AM PST by
(A kleptocracy--if they can keep it. Think of it as the Cantillon Effect in action.)
To: Kid Shelleen
“Sad but predictable tale of snowflake panic after a “devout Marxist” student was murdered in broad daylight.”
Sad? I celebrate dead Marxists.
Kill a commie for mommy and all that.
10 posted on
12/07/2021 8:13:38 AM PST by
(Peaceful coexistence with the Left is not possible. Stop pretending that it is.)
To: Kid Shelleen
I went to Temple. There was used textbook store right across the street. The dumpster behind it was full of stolen backpacks — the locals would scoop up backpacks, take out the textbooks to sell to the bookstore, and dump the backpacks in the dumpster. It was a well known process — I think the book store sold the stolen books to the official Temple bookstore, and gave the campus cops a cut.
Extremely dangerous neighborhood.
To: Kid Shelleen
I thought temple university was a religious college?
14 posted on
12/07/2021 8:41:25 AM PST by
To: Kid Shelleen
Reality getting its revenge over delusions.
15 posted on
12/07/2021 10:28:48 AM PST by
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