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Financial System Has Come to an End – Martin Armstrong
USA watchdog ^ | July 24 2022 | Greg Hunter

Posted on 07/25/2021 12:07:54 PM PDT by delta7

Home » Political Analysis » Financial System Has Come to an End – Martin Armstrong Financial System Has Come to an End – Martin Armstrong By Greg Hunter On July 24, 2021 In Political Analysis 96 Comments By Greg Hunter’s (Saturday Night Post)

Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong thinks we have come to the end of the line for the financial system, and this is why globalists are on a power grab of epic proportions. Armstrong explains, “The system has come to an end. They know they can no longer borrow indefinitely. So, what is this “Great Reset’? It is basically a move to redesign the world monetary system. They are going to stop the borrowing that they are doing, and they are just going to print. You also have this move for a digital currency. Once they move to a digital currency, they can impose negative interest rates and just take money out of your account at will. People don’t realize what this really is. . . . I believe Bitcoin was started by the government to get this whole ball going. If I gave you a $100 bill, they don’t know where I got the $100 bill from. However, if I give you that in Bitcoin, not only do they know I gave it to you, but they know where I got it from. It can be completely traced all the way down. That is a tax authority’s dream. You have to understand what they are selling is really a totalitarian regime.”

Armstrong goes on to say, “The ‘Build Back Better’ slogan was bantered around at the World Economic Forum back in January 2019. This is being orchestrated and deliberately designed. Why have world leaders joined it? That’s because they know the system we currently have now is collapsing. . . . The dollar has held up, and just look outside this country. In Europe, the bond market is destroyed. It’s completely gone. What institution is going to buy a bond from Europe with a negative interest rate? Pension funds need 8% to break even. You have bankrupted all the pension funds over there. It is a complete disaster. This is the greatest financial crisis in human history, and people don’t understand what is going on. . . . Watch Europe. It’s the canary in the coal mine for the next big crash.” (Meaning, Europe will crash first and then the USA.)

Armstrong also predicts that, in the not-so-distant future, you will not be voting or your vote will simply not count if you vote for the wrong party. Armstrong contends, “They’re going to rig the elections again. There is too much at stake here. . . .When Donald Trump won in 2016, they got scared because they (globalist elites) all thought they would lose their power. If you look at the eight points from the World Economic Forum, one of the points is by 2030, democracy must come to an end.”

On a partly encouraging note, Armstrong says, “They (globalist elites) are not going to win, but they are going to destroy the country in the process.”

Armstrong gives analysis about the possibility of removing Senators from Congress because of voter fraud and gives analysis on the possibility of Donald Trump being reinstalled in the White House. Armstrong says regarding the duo occupying the White House today, “They have the perfect ‘dumb and dumber’ in office, and that’s what the bureaucrats always wanted to do.”

Armstrong predicts a break-up of the United States and talks more about the “panic cycle” in the 2022 elections. Armstrong points out it’s not just the USA in an election “panic cycle,” but sees a global election “panic cycle.”

Armstrong has much analysis and data on CV19 and the vaccines to share too.

Armstrong also talks about gold, silver and why any physical asset is a good bet to own in the coming so-called financial reset. In general, Armstrong see “chaos” coming in 2022 and beyond.

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Government; News/Current Events
KEYWORDS: armstrong; economy; financial; martinarmstrong; stockmarket
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I have followed Martin for twenty years, ( many world governments have hired him to fix their financial problems- most did not follow his recommendations)…..The Covid flu is an instrument in their much talked about “ Global Reset”. Worth listening to.
1 posted on 07/25/2021 12:07:54 PM PDT by delta7
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To: delta7

do your own research but I believe the Swift financial system is gone and we have the Quantum Financial system in place....NESARA has been instituted....

2 posted on 07/25/2021 12:14:11 PM PDT by cherry
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To: delta7

To see the chaos in the EU over the continuing lock downs and protests, ( huge and unreported) see:

3 posted on 07/25/2021 12:15:13 PM PDT by delta7
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To: delta7

There’s always the possibility of electric car finance.

4 posted on 07/25/2021 12:15:16 PM PDT by Brian Griffin
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To: delta7
Once they move to a digital currency, they can impose negative interest rates and just take money out of your account at will. People don’t realize what this really is.

Bitcoin doesn't allow that. But a government-controlled digital currency coul easily allow that with the government (or sanctioned authorities) holding all private keys. But that would not be Bitcoin, very different.

5 posted on 07/25/2021 12:16:07 PM PDT by palmer (Democracy Dies Six Ways from Sunday)
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To: cherry

How has NESARA been instituted? The cornerstones were a return to a commodity-based currency and abolition of the income tax. I don’t see either of those happening in my lifetime.

6 posted on 07/25/2021 12:16:18 PM PDT by rarestia (Repeal the 17th Amendment and ratify Article the First to give the power back to the people!)
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To: cherry

the Swift financial system is gone
——— Correct, Russia and China have found their own alternative a few years ago. Most have no idea what Swift is, and how China has positioned them selves to become the next financial center….past Marin posts have documented this, his target date is 2030-32 when the USD is overthrown. He has not been wrong in 20 years…..

7 posted on 07/25/2021 12:19:25 PM PDT by delta7
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To: delta7

I believe Bitcoin was started by the government...

Oh please.

8 posted on 07/25/2021 12:20:03 PM PDT by 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten
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To: delta7

This is what happens when you drop money from the sky.

It’s always the last resort before the cataclysm.

9 posted on 07/25/2021 12:25:19 PM PDT by Mariner (War Criminal #18)
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To: cherry


10 posted on 07/25/2021 12:28:20 PM PDT by cuban leaf (We killed our economy and damaged our culture. In 2021 we will pine for the salad days of 2020.)
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To: delta7


11 posted on 07/25/2021 12:28:52 PM PDT by RushIsMyTeddyBear (RIP my "teddy bear". )
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To: cherry

The Communist revolution in America is progressing as it must, financial destruction, imprisonments, negate the families, cancel cultural history, outright lying, illegal elections and judicial compliance. They have done it elsewhere before. Now its going to go global as it must if America fails to stop this juggernaut. This is our turn in the barrel.

12 posted on 07/25/2021 12:29:16 PM PDT by Don Corleone (leave the gun, take the canolis)
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To: delta7
At the rate things are going I would not at all be surprised if there ISN'T A MIDTERM ELECTION IN 2022.

All civilizations come to an end WHEN THEY GET TOO BIG TO FIX. We are AT THAT POINT. Gone are the days of banding together, going down the road and running a corrupt politician out of town. Today, HOW do you band together when you've BEEN CANCELLED ON SOCIAL MEDIA? How do you run a politician out of town with National Guard protecting them, or when they can do their job REMOTELY from a computer and PROXY VOTE IN CONGRESS?

Sick of it all. It was nice run most of my life. Goodbye USA. I feel sorry for the kids even though they've been BRAINWASHED by HACK teachers to HATE ME.

13 posted on 07/25/2021 12:29:30 PM PDT by CivilWarBrewing (Get off my back for my usage of CAPS, especially you snowflake males! MAN UP!)
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To: delta7

When national (and other) pension systems were built on the basis of relying on active workers to essentially be the ones actually paying the money in to pay the pensions of the retired workers, the handwriting was on the wall, collapse was inevitable even if not imminent. Even U.S. social security was made to function that way as any “excess” incoming contributions were not truly invested, just “loaned” from one side of government ledgers (SS) to another side (general fund) to eventually be redeemed in the future by contributions from future SS contributors and taxpayers.

Why is the fed and every other country been manipulating interest rates so low for so long - to keep payments on government debt down as the amount of debt mushroomed, with pension and promised medical benefits the largest growing part of it.

14 posted on 07/25/2021 12:35:42 PM PDT by Wuli
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To: Don Corleone

Very true but for a couple things.

This is a national socialist movement. Not communist. But what the hell, its apples to apples they are all Marxist.

The other is that they all result in extreme violence. Or war.

15 posted on 07/25/2021 12:39:53 PM PDT by crz
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To: delta7


16 posted on 07/25/2021 1:03:37 PM PDT by aMorePerfectUnion (“Fraud vitiates everything.” )
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To: delta7

Thanks for posting.

17 posted on 07/25/2021 1:09:28 PM PDT by Rusty0604 (" When you can't make them see the light, make them feel the heat." -Ronald Reagan)
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To: 2 Kool 2 Be 4-Gotten
"I believe Bitcoin was started by the government..."

He's still blue-pilling it, imagining that the Deep State and three-letter agencies are legitimate arms of the US gubmint--or maybe he's just trying to use the most common vernacular.

But... the strong, plausible (IMHO) rumor is that Bitcoin is a three-letter-agency black op. --Or do you subscribe to the lie that "genius Zuckerberg" invented that soCIAl network, DARPA Lifelog Facebook? ...or that Microsoft was so successful because of billg's smarts without his parents' pull? ...or our tax dollars?

18 posted on 07/25/2021 1:15:59 PM PDT by rx (Truth will out!)
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To: Wuli

Nazism was national socialism; Communism international socialism. What’s happening is not just in the US, its Europe, Africa, South America.

19 posted on 07/25/2021 1:28:07 PM PDT by sasportas
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To: delta7
It’s the canary in the coal mine for the next big crash.” (Meaning, Europe will crash first and then the USA.)

I suspect everyone will be blindsided, like they were when the Soviet Union collapsed. You'll wake up one morning and every financial system will be seized up.

I think it would be prudent to put a percentage of your wealth (whatever you're comfortable with) into something outside of the financial system, like gold and/or silver.

20 posted on 07/25/2021 1:34:45 PM PDT by Oatka
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