Posted on 04/24/2021 10:32:34 AM PDT by Navy Patriot
They know he is going to win on appeal and they want to make sure he is destroyed.
It sounds like someone is trying to put a knee on his shoulder neck area and keep him down until he can’t get up. Him going to jail will never be enough for some people.
Management needs to be fired. Sad to see that Chauvin has previously abused people and then put back on the street.
That is obvious. I have been on calls where it took my entire crew and a couple cops to hold down a drugged up out of control 100 pound woman. And we still typically ended up with bites and scratches.
Imagine a world where they held people accountable for leaking false stories to the media to undermine a presidency and lying about it.
2017....... wow. Just wow.
Something tells me that Chauvin had the “I’m a big dick” attitude which unfortunately permeates with many LEOיs
My bro in law had it when he was a cop.
I suppose it is hard to recruit cops these days so they take what they can get.
Humm, I have read in several places that he was kneeling on his shoulder blade, not his neck and that this is a technique taught to cops ALL over the country. Even today.
No. He should have never been a cop in the first place. But-even if he was allowed on the force-he should have been fired years ago but the blue wall of silence that allowed at least 17 complaints to go unanswered (well-one slap on the wrist) - just like so many others. This is why we find ourselves even talking about this today. There are guys in the Chicago PD with over 60 use of force violations. Sixty. They took an oath to support the constitution and to obey the law, and to obey the policies of their department. They have violated public trust and cops that keep silent are just as guilty-it’s called being an accomplice.
Once the beast has its hooks in you, it doesn’t stop the humiliation, disfigurement and torture. Even at death, your body will be put on display and your name will be trodden on.
By not easing up, Derrik Chauvin showed the world that he is a cold hearted killer. He is a cop, he is the law. He will show Geo Floyd what happens when he gets crossed one time too many.
Also, the 3 accomplices are guilty. If any of them were real men, they would have stopped Chauvin. But no, they were new employees and more concerned about keeping their jobs.
At some point, humans need to step up and do the right thing.
Too many of us are cowards. Don’t want to speak the truth, because they are afraid. How many of you all wore a mask?
See a person suffering, and just walk by?
I don’t think he will win on appeal. He was a bad cop. This previous case in 2017 proves it.
You either obey the oath you took or you do not. Period. When someone violates that oath and someone else’s constitutional rights-you have a duty- I do not care of their uniform is the same color as you. It’s called honor. If you don’t-you are no different than the thugs you are arresting.
They know he is going to win on appeal and they want to make sure he is destroyed.
My other post ranted about Chauvin’s cold heart, but I agree with this statement.
The State of MN made many errors with their prosecution. It started with the AG appealing to MN State Supreme Court to add 3rd degree murder charge, after Judge Cahill ruled it out.
Here are a few more mistakes: announcing settlement, Max Walters et al speaking out, jurisdiction, Jury protection.
So the fact that Chauvin did everything by the training manual makes him “cold-hearted?”
THAT is exactly the communists game plan—destroy the police departments morale so good people will no longer want to be cops, then they’ll be replaced with the 21st century version of brown shirts.
A perfect storm.
Tell me about "no justice, no peace".
In their hearts, the good blacks in Minneapolis know exactly what happened. Their communities are festering with evil criminals like George Floyd. Soon these good blacks will find out what it's like to walk the streets without the thin blue line to protect them.
The big D attitude has been.prevalent with cops for many years now unfortunately.
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