1 posted on
03/18/2021 4:57:26 PM PDT by
To: Kaslin
A worthless, rather useless opinion on nothing. He is showing his age. Emmett has seen better days and he longs for them.
2 posted on
03/18/2021 5:04:27 PM PDT by
To: Kaslin
Doesn’t sound like Bainum is “woke” enough to survive the karens that will complain.
3 posted on
03/18/2021 5:04:35 PM PDT by
("I will not be reconstructed, and I do not give a damn.")
To: Kaslin
4 posted on
03/18/2021 5:05:45 PM PDT by
(past peak civilization?)
To: Kaslin
He is a competent entrepreneur but seems to understand newspapers are no longer surefire profitable monopolies in a city such as Baltimore. In a city such as Baltimore... I doubt even fifty per cent of the population is literate.
The Sun used to be a pretty good paper but has declined radically the last decade or so to the point of being unreadable.
9 posted on
03/18/2021 5:44:03 PM PDT by
(In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel.d)
To: Kaslin
The newspaper readers might not be as numerous as they once were, but for the sake of a healthy, robust society, they must be maintained.What is the old saying about journalism - comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable. Mass print media has long abandoned that practice.
10 posted on
03/18/2021 5:46:32 PM PDT by
(In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel.d)
To: Kaslin
"Regardless, saving the Baltimore Sun is a noble endeavor. Saving print journalism in general is a noble endeavor."He is breathing his own fumes. This is a puff piece based on wishful thinking. What in the world is magical about paper and ink? It is a dying technology, just like scribes vs the printing press.
(Don't get me wrong - I'm a fossil who loves books. But I am a realist who embraces logic.)
12 posted on
03/18/2021 8:35:10 PM PDT by
(The Magic Question: Who's paying for it?)
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