Posted on 03/14/2021 3:15:59 PM PDT by Twotone
Be careful, everyone. Big Brother is watching you.
Sheriffs can’t show support for the {actual} President?
But if he were flying a blm or antifa flag then you best ask no questions
because the department receives federal funding for certain activities and is therefore covered by the law.
= = = = = = = = = = = =
As idiotic as it may seem etc etc etc....
You can imagine the furor if a BLM or Rainbow etc had been flown BUT no one probably would have made an ‘official complaint’ lest they be looked upon as bigots etc.
Sort of comes under the old
“I don’t care if you are 40, live in my house RENT FREE and you will follow MY rules”....
The sheriff is not a federal employee!
A Trump Flag Exemption should be passed to protect government employees that fly the Trump Flag.
Frankly, if he flew a Biden sign, I wouldn’t like it, but I would
deem Biden to be the president and therefore someone the sheriff
should respect.
Every post office in the land used to have the sitting president’s
portrait hanging on the wall.
Should every local postmaster be arrested?
This event was nothing more than voicing support for the
sitting president.
The authorities should rethink this silliness and back off.
I would suggest this act of going after the local sheriff to
be a bigger political action that the sheriff displayed.
Hatch Act their asses.
Each election cycle local dignitaries support the federal level
candidates. Are they all serious law breakers for voicing their
support in public? Of course not.
They endorse locals, state level, and federal candidates.
Telling them they can’t, is a abridgement of their Constitutional
rights, not that that would matter to these federal political
First of all, A County Sheriff is not a “federal worker”.
Second of all, After all of the actual violations of the Hatch Act that have taken place over the last four and a half years, and have actually damaged the nation, yet gone unremarked upon by these expletives who run the OSC, they are worried about what some county Sheriff did that had no effect upon the nation, just ‘triggered’ some biden loving snowflakes in Oswego County???
Their excuse: The sheriff’s department got some grant money from the feds..
I told my County Sheriff years ago, not to take anything from the Feds. If they actually need anything that the county budget can’t cover, I and Constitution loving patriots like me will take up a collection.
Are they going after the FBI wimps who knelt for the blm idiots?
I don’t think the Feds have any business in the Sheriff’s business.
everyone who recieves federal money is subject to the hatch act... like say teachers....
yeah right
If the Sherrif had flown the American flag, he would still be labeled a racist.
If federally funded Democratic mayor’s (of federally funded cities), congressman, council members, and even AG’s like K Ellison up in Minnesota, can be strong financial and material proponents and enablers of BLM-Antifa-Sunrise, or the mayor of a Federal jurisdiction like DC has a large yellow BLM painted over an entire street in front of the FBI —
If we are going after this sherrif, can we at least go after every blatantly guilty Crat...!
That is the Feds philosophy is if you take the Kings coin , you do the King’s bidding.
And not one worthless GOP Senator or Representative will utter a word of protest.
Hmmm, an interesting legal “fine line”.
I understand that the Hatch act applies to those that receive some or all of their salary from the federal government. I understand that the Sheriff may have some duties that he executes with the feds, but does part of his salary come from the feds?
Further, if found in violation, since the Sheriff is an elected official, wouldn’t the penalty be the loss of the portion of salary provided by the feds?
Big brother can go proverbially suck down a 10# bag of Haribo sugar free bears and blow it out his ass.
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