He has definitely placed the flag IN THE GROUND!
Now, he’d better have a great team of lawyers ready to make the case in the court system. The Deck is stacked against him. (us)
The courts are in the tank. They are mostly DEM, and should be considered to be revolutionary, anti-American institutions. Legislatures are in charge of this, and legislatures report directly to the people. If the legislatures don;t do the right thing, then the legislatures need to be turned out of power.
Power is only "valid" when it is used. Otherwise it is cheap talk. If the people want to be in charge of the government, it is up to the people to act like that.
My guess is that the people do not want to be in charge. The people do not like freedom, it is too risky.
This is about the future of the country.
Time for the Patton speech:
Our ancestors did not fight in wars so our country could get stolen from us by sleazy voter fraud—no fracking way!