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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

Hear counsel, and receive instruction, that thou mayest be wise in thy latter end. There are many devices in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand. Proverbs 19:20-21 (King James Version)

To imagine Senile Joe picked Willie Brown’s whore for his VP is incomprehensible after last week’s debate. If she were not a member of the communist cult, she would not be anywhere near the Senate let alone running for the Presidency in their complete sham. A married sixty-year-old only saw one thing he liked in her as a thirty-year-old, so he gave her a title for $70K to service him. What is Putin going to pay her when she’s President?

Of course, this is the Harris/Biden ticket although it is hard to tell which one has dementia, and which one does not after the two debates in which the first question is yet to be answered. Harris did not give a single answer during the entire hour and Braindead Biden only spit out bromides and names to the point of calling the President a clown which coming from the whitest man on the planet was pretty funny. All you needed to add was a red nose and big shoes to make him BoBo. How do they get away with it and still be considered viable candidates? The answer is actually pretty easy, their cult. The cult puts people’s feelings and emotions in front of their survival instincts.

When our group was running a campaign to stop light rail in Portland we talked to hundreds of Dems and many of them were from the Dem cult. They would appear normal in every way and have decent jobs although a large majority worked in the public sector, yet they were active members of society and were cultists.

What was their religion? They worshiped dirt. This was right after Algore’s movie about Global Warming and the worship doxology was just being laid out to the people which said if you did not stop driving your cars the planet would overheat and we would all die. Light Rail was right after Obama was elected on that issue of the oceans would recede and the planet would cool, all because America elected a black man, praise the earth.

Portland then went full bore to expanding its light rail system and make it the envy of the world. Never mind it does not have the population density to make it feasible, the eart was calling and billions were being spent to save Gaia the earth goddess from doomsday. This may sound far fetched but it is anything but that and you can see the next generation of the cult in the streets.

We would canvass the neighborhoods with our early system before we started targeting like minded people or accidentally hit the spouse who was a member of the religion and have discussions with them. When you would talk to a member and explain there was no way this train boondoggle could sustain itself their only response was, “I don’t care!” It did not matter how much it cost they wanted the warm fuzzies from knowing they were protecting the planet and stopping Global Warming. No matter what you told them up to losing their houses to massive taxes and it was the same response, a glazed over, “I don’t care!” This made them a good person and a better more caring person than you.

You are seeing the same thing today with the Harris/Biden campaign. They have yet to answer a single question about anything and simply say, Black Lives Matter and the cultists nod in agreement and marches lockstep chanting and burning. They throw in saving the eart and they are in a frenzy to jump off the same cliff onto the rocks below because they are saving the planet from doomsday while also protecting those poor helpless negro people. What a rush that overcomes all their guilt from being white and superior to all those inferior blacks and browns. Does your soul good.

These people do not care about their own well being or yours as long as they can serve their religion and make it bigger and stronger than it is today. They do not care about the science or truth about the planet not warming to the temps they were told it was going to because of lowered sun activity, they want to stop all CO2 production from America, that is their goal. Never mind forest fires and their exhalation of breath produce more CO2 than the rest of the country combined and they have absolutely no solution other than stopping the production of CO2 to stop forest fires, they don’t care. Do you understand what they just said about forest fires?

So Harris can go up there and have really no resume other than like most hardcore feminists, got her start the old fashioned way in the missionary position and on her knees, and now lectures everyone else about their morality. She lectured President Trump about Charlottesville (BLM), she lectured Pence about packing the court with white people (BLM) and then she ran away from her very own Green Raw Deal which must not be polling all that well outside the cult.

Apparently, the people in the Midwest are not ready to jump on the no gas horse drawn wagon but all she did is throw cult breadcrumbs and her religious followers will throw money at her and do whatever it takes to elect their religion’s leader.

There has never been as large a religious phrase than Black Lives Matter. It is words with no meaning, yet everyone is following it like it was Ghandi. What does it mean? A black man can do whatever he wants to a cop and if the cop fights back to subdue him or worst of all shoots him the cop is an evil person who deserves death. A black man can shoot at a cop and if the cop shoots back then the cop is an evil person who deserves death, this is what BLM means to where the entire country is singing its praises and waking around with glassed over eyes while burning down cities wherever a cop defends himself against a black criminal. This is a religious cult that is trying to destroy the country so it can rebuild it in a better form which would enslave everyone which is called Marxism.

The irony of ironies is they call Trump followers a cult when he is the opposite of one. His base worships the Bible and God not man. They really worship manmade idols such as the earth or blacks or most pagan idols like sex, drugs, alcohol, homosexuality, trans and whatever the feelgood of the day.

Trump supporters worship God, Jesus, freedom of speech and America the ideal. His supporters look at blacks as equals who need freedom not more gummit. They look at the eart as something which needs to be managed not left alone to die and burn which man has managed throughout the ages and now the earth cult says you need to mismanage it to be a good person.

The Trumpers are the opposite of a cult and do not look at him in anyway a god which is what drives the cultists nuts. How can anyone as big and successful as Trump not be worshiped like their messiah Barak? Trump is a man and nothing else which is not even in the realm of god let alone God. The Bible is what determines morality for Trump followers.

There is one thing you can do to defeat this cult in this election. Make sure to get 10 to 100 others to vote. It is not the everyday voters or the cultists you need to get to vote or hopefully change their vote it is the low turnout voters. Because of the virus the Dems are going to lose their best machines which are the invalid homes and halfway houses to manufacture votes, the streets are where it is going to be won. Do not let the virus shame you into not knocking doors.

Get your lists of the low turnout Repubs and Independents and force them to vote. Beat their doors until they are tired of seeing your and help them fill out the ballot. Give them cheat sheets and if necessary, help them take it to the drop off or if on election day give them a ride to the precinct. With vote by mail you have 30 days to get these ballots in and the one who has the fewest in the garbage can is who wins the election. Do it and you will win, win, win to save America.

You have to realize this is a spiritual war and Satan is very seductive in how he takes over minds. He has all of the candy and knows how to make it extra sweet. These people are living on a religious high and believe destroying America is a moral value giving them that rush.

Their cult is what Trump is fighting and it is the difference between America living or dying. Their cult is extremely powerful and will do whatever it takes to destroy this country to make it the perfect country they prefer. Get out the vote to make Lady Liberty shine bright.

Pray for President Trump

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 10/11/2020 4:59:35 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The only thing worse than COVID-19 is Biden-20!)
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To: All
• Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

• Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.

  Yes I am compiling a Blog about the great pandemic of 2020 and how my country stupidly shut down the economy.  We will have opinions, political and cultural highlights, my personal experience, social media details, even TV reviews since I watch so much TV while in my home jail.  We shall, as always, end with a smile.
(another update)
President Trump Enters Hospital

I note this on this week's entry for my descendants as we must hope the event will be in their history books.  This let's them know that I was there.

President Trump somehow contracted the Covid-19 virus and, quote...."in an abundance of caution" he was admitted to Walter Reed hospital.

He was admitted on a Friday and allowed to go home on the following Monday.  He appears to have recovered well.

The opposition party was angry that Trump recovered so quickly, he, then, at age 74.  The opposition party wants people dying in droves by Covid-19.

VP Debate

Of course I watched the debate between Kamala Harris and Mike Pence.  Pence is the current VP as of this writing while Harris is running for VP of the Biden administration.

All Harris did throughout the entire debate was make mocking smirks and crooked smiles.  She shook her head and carried on to distraction.  It wasn't an attractive sight at all.  Pence, on the other hand, was strong, stalwart and properly challenged Harris on all her lies and evasions.

She is one of the most dislikeable people on this planet I tell my descendants and let us hope she is never in your history books.

As a last minute addition I note that the next presidential candidate debate was changed to be a virtual debate but President Trump has refused to participate.
(one more update)
Van Halen dies
He was a hard rock and roller of my era, I explain for my descendants.  He died at age 65 of cancer.

Here's hoping yon descendants can still hear some of his music in their era.
(that my descendants may know how I handled it)
Death of the Pole people

I have lived in this area over 16 years now and the Pole People are a fixture in our era.  Nobody knows who changes the outfits of the Pole people, usually based on the holiday currently upon or other culture norms, such as the Pole People wearing face masks.

The Pole people are about eight miles down the road from me and have always been a fixture on the trip to Delaware beaches.

Alas, somebody ran over and destroyed the Pole People last week.  The whole area is filled with a weird sadness.  The Pole People were a bit of Americana, a twinkle of serendipity in a world filled with entirely too much hysteria.  The Pole People were made from old telephone poles still sticking out of the ground cut down by I don't know, but only about three or four feet jutting out of the ground.

The top picture is a compilation of the Pole People over the years.  The bottom picture is the Pole People after destruction.
(social media explains so much)

(since I watch so much TV, not for my descendants)
"Things"-todo software

I want to do a review of some software that I use with devotion.

Things is a task management app for macOS, iPadOS, iOS, and watchOS made by Cultured Code, a software startup based in Stuttgart, Germany. It first released for Mac as an alpha that went out in late 2007 to 12,000 people and quickly gained popularity.

Now I am beginning to fall in love with Apple and its MAC products.  I have an Iphone and an Ipad and plan on buying a MAC computer to replace my old PC with Windows 7.....which is old as you all must know.

I love the way Apple products talk to each other.  To share with my PC I must deal with email and time comes to get a more cohesive system.

This is my TODO program.  I do consider myself an organized person and love TODO type of software.  "Things" allows for the user to schedule their TODO's, interact with the Apple calendar, repeat by the week, month, or year.  

And it's on my Iphone so I have my schedule everywhere I have my Iphone, which is everywhere.

If you are into Apple, consider this great software and your life will always be organized.
(My opinion for my descendants)

New Fiction Book

I am thinking of beginning a new fiction book so I offer up my plot to yon readers for consideration if it is believable.

It is a political book, as is my wont.

It begins with a political campaign pitting a former First Lady against a guy who was the host of a very successful TV series.  Against all odds the TV host wins the election and the former First Lady is not happy.

After the TV host is inaugurated and appoints a new Attorney General the new AG, stupidly, allows a former head of the FBI begin an investigation against him to check out allegations of election interference by Russia.

After a while the former FBI head doing the investigating gives his report and despite all the praises repeated for him the guy didn't even know his last name.  At any rate the TV host, now president, is said to be not guilty of any Russian collusion.

The former First Lady is really mad and using her influence with congress manages to get the new president impeached for daring to speak to a foreign power.  Meanwhile investigations are going on, with the new president getting all the wiser, into that investigation by the retarded former FBI head.  It is discovered that there were broken laws all over the place, including fake FISA warrants against innocents in his campaign, fake dossiers made up by, of all things, a Russian spy.

The new president is doing a very good job, the stock market rises, Israel gets a new capital, the cost of prescriptions goes down.

For the first four years of the new president's time in office more information comes out about bribes taken by the former First Lady's Vice-President (the former First Lady was appointed secretary of state during the executive administration before the new president) with the Vice-President of that administration throwing his hat in the ring to run against the new president, now four years in and doing a great job.  The former First Lady was still enraged and the VP in the presidential race after the new president had served the first four years and was then up for re-election turned out to have a crooked son receiving millions of dollars from China and Russia although the son didn't even know how to spell.

But the president formerly a TV host runs against his opponent and participates in a debate with him that was a shouting match never heard before in American politics.  The host of that debate was so bad there were rumors of his firing and he was on TV all day after telling how he was duped.

Meanwhile, unbelievably, a horrible and terribly contagious virus comes to America from China and all of America is shut down.  The stock markets drops, the president has to stop all visitors from China, the party of the crooked VP takes up arms and with the help of the former First Lady tells the world the virus is all the TV host now president's fault.

Now maybe I'm going too far into the Twilight Zone but I'm getting ready to write this book so bear with me.

Because, unbelievably almost, the president, while campaigning, nominating a new Supreme Court Justice and dealing with the virus from hell….ACTUALLY BECOMES INFECTED WITH THE VIRUS.

And so does his wife and members of his political party.  The president goes into Walter Reed hospital and the former First Lady and America's Speaker of the House declare that it's the president's fault he caught the nasty virus.

I don't know yet the conclusion of my novel but I'm thinking a spectacular ending where the president wins the election by a landslide, a vaccine is created that defeats the virus, the former VP and former First Lady goes to jail for it was THEY receiving millions from Russia.  A new Justice is successfully nominated and the stock market rises like a rocket.

Do you think anybody will believe this?


Yes I am a fly and yes I also Blog.  I tend to wander around among the politicians and hear their conversation.  Because I am a fly beneficial to humanity, I share that which I hear. Bear in mind my spelling.  I am, after all, only a fly.

The Fly on Pence's Head

At this time I must ask all yon readers to please not reveal ......well my revelation.

Because I couldn't resist.

Yes I was the fly on Hillary Clinton's face and given another chance for fly fame and fortune, Mike Pence was too good a target.

Again, do not reveal my secret as they've got fly swatters and are out to get me.

My dream is to land on President Trump's head as I do really admire the guy and want to have fame associated with him.

6 posted on 10/11/2020 5:00:08 AM PDT by Fishtalk (9/21/20 Pandemic 2020-Supreme Court Justice Passes, Stock Market Div)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Super edit, Bray...I would only add it isn’t just the dirt or Gaia worship, but the self, the view of oneself as highly educated, entitled to be esteemed, respected as, “Dr” so and so, to be entitled to be in charge with no opposing views allowed as they would be beneath them...Their art museum and university donations are their tithes...of course, some university donations are bribes!

12 posted on 10/11/2020 5:37:16 AM PDT by CincyRichieRich (2020: Broken glass election : Republic or no Republic.)
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To: Alas Babylon!
Brilliant as usual.

Truth is in these two graphs:

"When our group was running a campaign to stop light rail in Portland we talked to hundreds of Dems and many of them were from the Dem cult. They would appear normal in every way and have decent jobs although a large majority worked in the public sector, yet they were active members of society and were cultists. What was their religion? They worshiped dirt. This was right after AlgoreÂ’s movie about Global Warming and the worship doxology was just being laid out to the people which said if you did not stop driving your cars the planet would overheat and we would all die. Light Rail was right after Obama was elected on that issue of the oceans would recede and the planet would cool, all because America elected a black man, praise the earth.,p> They worship more than dirt.


Below is a combination of FR wisdom and A video with Sarah Westall interviewing Jessie Czebotar who will expose it all.

It's here:

The link below is a near hour presentation by Sarah Westall interviewing Jessie Czebotar.She's a woman who was brought up by satanists and was able to communicate and hear satan and his missives.

It comes from here on FR and is well worth the time to listen to:

Below is smileyfaces take on the video and below that is mine.Both are worth looking at since this may well be what is going on behind the veil that covers everything the dirty dems/illuminati/cabal/deep state are up to.

Here is smileyfaces take:

Czebotar is at it again, revealing the structure and function of the Illuminati (cabal, deep state, the brotherhood); now on Sarah WestallÂ’s channel. My sketchy notes follow, but miss much detail...

5 mothers of darkness - ceos, know all aspects 300 satanic/druid council with smaller groups or regions\ US/world quadrants, then depts grand h priest/priestesses (G Vanderbilt was one and HRC was to take her role, but did not; learned on previous interview) high priest/priestess are managers They all worship satan.

Women are behind the scenes (orders from satan, daily), men are the face of the "SYSTEM" women programming grooming, abuse crimes how to do, duel life programming (cover life), women seem better at spirit world Mothers of Darkness and Phoenix (head of council who is Obummer, gleaned from different interview).

Satan speaks to them to direct. His agenda CzebotarÂ’s grandma was mother of darkness and her proctor Satan - 7 generals Baal, Moloch, Azerath,abadon, toth samael, Izaeiah.

Most interactions of Czebotar now with the Lord directly, not angels; intercede on our behalf, via prayer to stop rituals Generational breeding, all the way back, to the seed of Cain. The seeds of Cain carry the genetic material of the nephilim; the great flood was to destroy the nephilim; seed survived in wivesÂ’ of NoahÂ’s sons.

Cananites/Hivites sex cults sacr children, set apart Abraham, 12 sons, Joseph to Egypt, famine, come out conquer Canan, married Canan/hiv women, carried out bad practices. Frequencies open gates, singing, joy, ecstasy, above (2) and below (2; sharp, flat, dark sounds emotion) our earthly plain; satan/the bloodline families are breeding within their bloodlines to concentrate the spiritual gifts to open the gates and crash the throne off God, satanÂ’s plan.

***warning***disturbing content*** Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal, World Agenda, Leadership Structure, Rituals w/ Jessie Czebotar 1of3 10,262 views •Oct 8, 2020 50min can easily watch at 1.25x

6 of 10 in higher govt. are in The System; all networks run by them; most anchors are controlled, maybe Hannity and Tucker are good.

Gray Discusses her interactions 1981 planning HRC, WJC, JB, Aquino; observations of rape and murder by previous Czebotar is working with teams to determine where rituals will be and stop them; Trump dried up their currency (children) by shutting the border and the money supply (Fed)

***WARNING***GRAPHIC DETAILS*** Deep Inside the Satanic Cabal, World Agenda, Leadership Structure, Rituals w/ Jessie Czebotar 2of3 1,024 views •Oct 9, 2020 48min

Part 3 was not posted yet. 313 posted on 10/9/2020, 11:01:40 AM by smileyface

(”The illuminati’s whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children.”)

End FR part


Begin my take on it all.,p. THE SYSTEM aka Illuminati,the System, Cabal,Deep State, it’s all a satanic state. 800k missing kids in the US in a year. They run kids under Catholic churches,under Indian Mounds, etc.

Luciferian illuminati=masons,mormons,brotherhood occults,Jesuit Catholics,cabal in satanic are all part of the “system”.

Jessie Czebotar could hear satanic messages as a child which is why she was chosen by satanists. She could hear and see everything Satan was doing at 4 years old. Her proctor/grandmother also spoke to Satan. Lights flickered on and off,her proctor would ask her if she heard Satan calling her? She did. Jessie was helpless. She knew who it was,she had a rebelliousness nature against Satan mixed with an alluring curiosity to talk with him. She worked with other main satanic voices.

She had interacted with angels five times. Most of the time with the lord fighting off demonic spirits. The hierarchy is run by “five women of darkness” of the “company” they know the entire system and how it works.

Below them are the 300 of the satanic council who are in charge of managing different regions or countries it’s a world-wide operation. Satanic councils have quadrants either in the U.S. or internationally. They over-see quadrants in their council. Grand high priests,priestesess who over-see high priests or managers overseers who manage employees.

Illumnati triangle below:


Brotherhood or illuminati, deep state,cabal, all the same thing all worship satan,luciferian all worship satan.Males are the face of the structure females really running things getting orders from satan. Programming, grooming,abuse crimes against children they have a cover life making them look normal. Mothers of darkness meet with satan on a regular basis Phoenix if a man will also talk to satan. Women are more open to spirit world,right brain, satanic agenda is all about deaths,Jesee asks the lord to stop the satanic cults prayer will stop satan.

Satanic cults are based on generational breeding from one generation to the next back to Adam and Eve,Cain,Caininites interacted with demons, withcraft demonization,evil continued by women through 13 bloodlines from tiers of Israel.

Rothchilds is a bloodline dating back to an Israeli family.Freemans, Vandines,Collins,


Satan himself blessed the twelve bloodlines of the Illuminati in mockery of God’s own Twelve Tribes of Israel. The 13th bloodline of the Illuminati was infused with Satan’s own seed and passed down through the Satanic House of David and the French Merovingian bloodline – Fritz own twist on Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Messianic Legacy. The Anti-Christ will be born from this 13th Satanic bloodline.

According to Fritz, the number 13 is extremely important to the Illuminati. Bermuda was denied entry into the Union because it was very important for the Illuminati to have 13 colonies. The Thirteen Illuminati bloodlines are the Astor bloodline, the Bundy bloodline, the Collins bloodline, the DuPont bloodline, the Freeman bloodline, the Kennedy bloodline, the Li bloodline (李), the Onassis bloodline, the Rockefeller bloodline, the Rothschild bloodline, the Russell bloodline, the Van Duyn bloodline and the previously mentioned Merovingian bloodline. 13-illuminati-bloodlines The House of Rothschild is in charge of the Illuminati’s finance.

The family always sets a place at the dinner table in case Satan decides to show up. (He wears a black tuxedo and only his cloven hooves are visible.) The House of Rothschild played a major role in the Bavarian Illuminati.

The Illuminati is much older than the 18th century Bavarian Illuminati and Fritz informs us that Adam Weishaupt as a person never existed. – Just another Illuminati trick!


Underneath the bloodlines they keep changing lines to confuse everyone who is who. 12-16th century draculian family, Dantes inferno,Jessie was told she was a “special seed” as a child,women who carry the seed of Cain very important in bloodline.Nephalin or giants are involved,wickedness was so strong God created a flood. All blood lines could be involved with supernatural beings having sex with ordinary women. They had extra strength, speed,power they were huge,seen as demi-Gods.

Only eight people survived the flood but wives carried seed of Cain who chose evil over chose good over evil. Cain wants to usurp the throne of God and sit on GodÂ’s throne. NWO wants to raise up the anti-Christ to sit on throne of God. ItÂ’s what they believe.

Mothers main job is to raise up the anti-christ to take the position of God.Always been a generation of women to take the position when women are done there had to be a successor.

Today there are no successors indicating this could be the end and Satan will reveal himself.Tarot cards read in system,seven cards were pulled for Jessie all were the same telling them she was the enemy of the system and would pull the “system”(cabal,illuminati) down.

Jessie is not dead because of the protection of God. She has had attempts on her life numerous times but is always protected. She was almost drowned by being paralyzed and nearly drowned by her proctor in a bathtub of water. She was saved by CPR from being killed by her proctor/grandmother. She has access to spiritual world like a five D chessboard.

The third level is earth above that are two planes, spiritual worlds. There are access points to these planes. Jesse is able to go to so the devil wonÂ’t kill her.He’s hoping he can use her access points. She interacts in the spiritual world while being present in her physical body.Angels can travel from earth to heaven frequency/light/resonance—it's a quantum level military now accessing these gates.

The gates of Heaven open by giving praise which gives off a vibrational frequency number which can be opened at a quantum level while inter-phasing with intense love which will open a higher level. Negative tones are lower levels gates can be opened through music. Everything has a vibrational level leading up the gates of heaven.

14 posted on 10/11/2020 5:41:30 AM PDT by rodguy911 ((FreeRepublic home of the free because of the Brave---Where we go One))
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To: bray

Great summary of debate, and the cluelessness of a dem voter. The void of specifics from Biden is a clear indicator that its cult all the way and you could put a cardboard cutout up there and it would be the candidate,

Camel,is like the high schooler who is elected class president but dumb as a rock. All grin and fake I’m talking with you , while she’s talking past your ignorance as revealing the truth would sink her real goal which is replacing Ole Joey who will suddenly become incapable after Jill is assured of a title and the perks of a past president.

24 posted on 10/11/2020 6:03:54 AM PDT by patriotspride
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To: Alas Babylon!

..The cult puts people’s feelings and emotions in front of their survival instincts.
...This made them a good person and a better more caring person than you.

I agree with this insight.
Feelings+emotions>”I Care” is a BIG piece of their identity and self esteem.
Their path to utopia does not exist.
Utopia does not exist.
A different plan/path brings them closer to their Utopia

40 posted on 10/11/2020 6:25:55 AM PDT by Steven Tyler
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To: Alas Babylon!; bray
You are seeing the same thing today with the Harris/Biden campaign.

Love it. IMO the race shifted decidedly in Trump's favor after the Harris-pence debate. Harris demonstrated that she is not ready for prime-time. Moreover, who wants the most radical senator in Congress a heartbeat from the Presidency. 60% of voters don't believe Biden will complete his term, if elected.

76 posted on 10/11/2020 7:09:34 AM PDT by kabar
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To: bray

You are TOTALLY right: when told the truth in zillion ways, their response is: “I don’t care.” Those three words will be chiseled on their tombstones.

184 posted on 10/11/2020 12:22:17 PM PDT by CDB
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