Posted on 10/10/2020 4:54:27 PM PDT by aspasia
Of course she did. The rule of law means very little to democrats in general and nothing at all to Kagan. She is one of many disgusting stains left behind by Obama.
OK...anyone surprised by this, raise your hand...(sarc/off).
Democrat Rule of Law : When WE rule, the rules only apply to YOU.
It will go full court like SC and a few others did. She is not the last word.
She’s the next one that needs to fall seriously ill and die. I have no mercy for these Marxists. I would piss on RBG’s grave every day if I could. She was a baby murdering bitch.
Just another Justice that proves that Chief Justice Roberts’ statement that Justices always make apolitical decisions was right..oh wait....wrong universe again
Isn’t it nice we live in a Republic ... well sometimes.
If the Rs played like this we’d like in safety and security.
Show as much mercy to anyone as they would show to an innocent little preborn baby.
The fix is in.
As a reward. when Harris packs SCOTUS, Kagan will be anointed Chief Justice.
Trouble in Dem land..
If SCOTUS is going to go full political, might as well pack it... With Republicans!
How does Kagan rule alone?
They did it here in NYS. Cuomo even listed Covid as a reason why you need a mail in ballot.
One of 0bamas skid marks.
Doesn’t work that way. He’s Chief Justice as long as he is there.
This is the traitor who ruled on the constitutionality Obongo care even though she helped write it. By the time full SC rules on this the ballots will already be in the mail. assuming the full SC even hears it, then there is the 4-4 problem. It’s just an insult to claim the virus is so bad Montana election laws can be tossed. Watch every rat state do this now.
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