To: Helicondelta
“a momentary victory for Republicans and President Donald Trump”
Isn’t the AP disgusting? A victory for the Rats at a lower court is forever. A victory for Trump at a higher court is momentary.
This is probably going to the Supremes. More drama with a potential 4-4 split, unless Roberts doesn’t defect again or Barrett gets in there in time.
2 posted on
09/27/2020 7:52:04 PM PDT by
(Do not let them make you care! Guilting you is how they control you.)
To: Helicondelta
3 posted on
09/27/2020 7:52:18 PM PDT by
To: Helicondelta
Federal court challenges in every state where one is required.
4 posted on
09/27/2020 7:57:34 PM PDT by
Gay State Conservative
(Thanks To Biden Voters Oregon Is Now A Battleground State!)
To: Helicondelta
5 posted on
09/27/2020 7:58:18 PM PDT by
Jane Long
(Praise God, from whom ALL blessings flow.)
To: Helicondelta
"...and thousands of ballots mailed days after the election."
Nothing to see here, people.
To: Helicondelta
What? The Dems cant keep voting until they have enough votes to defeat Trump?
7 posted on
09/27/2020 8:22:32 PM PDT by
(Democratic Socialism is Slavery by Mob Rule)
To: Helicondelta
Great news!
Hope it holds. Clearly the Supreme Court will have to rule on this total mess.
So, as the president points out, we need 9 justices on the SCOTUS.
9 posted on
09/27/2020 9:10:34 PM PDT by
proud American in Canada
(In these trying times, "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!")
To: Helicondelta
Has anyone seen a link to the ruling itself?
12 posted on
09/28/2020 8:21:23 AM PDT by
(Stop deluding yourself that America is still a free country.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson