How mean of us.
To: Steely Tom
Air drills? Is that like air guitars? Air quotes?
To: Steely Tom
With this photo, I send him both flowers and the fish.
4 posted on
04/23/2020 11:50:19 AM PDT by
(I'd like to welcome our new overlords, say hello to my little friend)
To: Steely Tom
The writer is a POS shill commie propagandist.
6 posted on
04/23/2020 11:58:08 AM PDT by
(...To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.-S.Adams)
To: Steely Tom
A military coup is a real possibility in North Korea.
Anything is possible.
It is appropriate to show a little muscle right now.
7 posted on
04/23/2020 12:02:35 PM PDT by
To: Steely Tom
You don’t bring me flowers
You don’t sing me love songs
You hardly talk to me anymore
When I come through the door at the end of the day
8 posted on
04/23/2020 12:03:36 PM PDT by
(Endut! Hoch Hech!)
To: Steely Tom
Well Russia is lil Kim’s allie
9 posted on
04/23/2020 12:34:13 PM PDT by
To: Steely Tom
Kim Jong Un did not commit suicide.
10 posted on
04/23/2020 1:03:28 PM PDT by
(Quick don't be left out, hide in your house and join the George Soros Kill the Economy Club)
To: Steely Tom
Kim tweeted yesterday;
11 posted on
04/23/2020 1:22:47 PM PDT by
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