Posted on 11/08/2019 2:41:05 PM PST by conservative98
Flimsey has his finger up and the wind told him not to back Sessions.
Somebody break down who all the candidates are:
Jeff Sessions
Roy Moore...
I cant believe the pool of talent in Alabama is that shallow that they cant find one single Conservative in the entire state under the age of 50 that can speak coherently in the promotion of Americanism. Maybe they really are all toothless gomers.
All that matters is winning. I could give sht about emotion.
Or they could just re-elect the Democrat - that seems to be the go-to position today.
Arnold Mooney seems to be the one that has (sort of) support from more conservative members of the Senate.
Tommy Tuberville seems to be polling well in early polling.
Arnold Mooney
Tommy Tuberville
Up yours!
Sessions has a lot of name recognition but - who knows what the BS with recusing himself with the whole Russian Collusion deal did to his reputation with voters. They need a strong candidate. We can’t afford to lose 1 senator.
Tommy Turberville? That’s a memorable name, in a Andy Griffith kind of world.
Nationalist early Trump supporters are openly opposed to sessions he needs to go.
He will be badly damaged (as he absolutely should be) by the end of the primaries, but the same sorts who have always pushed the Bushes, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and Jeff flake will try to drag him along.
They will make the exact same claim, thus “Only Jeb can beat Hillary Clinton” becomes “Only Jeff Sessions can beat Doug Jones”.
Obviously this is going to be really brutal, and knocking the old has been but folded to globalism like a cheap suit relic needs to be taken down quickly so an actually competitive candidate can get to work.
Tommy Tuberville
Yes Sessions foolishly recused himself,set up the chain reaction to allow slander Trump for over 2 years by the Mueller investigation leak-athon,and set up the crucial Senate seat from Alabama to go to a Dem contender.
And I hold a grudge for this:
In addition he said about Hillary’s crimes (paraphrased) “I do not see anything that needs looking into further or indictment.” Our grim joke: See your eye doctor right away.
He did not recuse himself from everything, he just seemed to not be working on anything in the important Attorney General’s office.
No investigating the investigators. Lent credence to the attacks by not having a bold counterattack against Comey,McCabe,Mueller et al.
Look at Barr. And also the protection of the AG’s president when Holder was there. He never let a bad remark, let alone an indictment, besmirch Hussein Obama. Never. No such loyalty from Sessions to Trump.
Made up Democrats Fascist party black propaganda. Without on the record sources, it is just another Democrat Fascist lie.
Establishment Senators are not backing Sessions in the primary. We know they won’t just leave it up to the voters. So who will McConell’s group back?
The GOP Swamp Establishment is backing Sessions but that’s bad for business in a state primary where POTUS is hugely popular. So they’ll keep it under wraps.
What is Trump’s approval rating among AL GOP? Trump famously called Sessions his “worst mistake.” Did he retract that today? Nope.
Tommy T is a worm . . . and I am a long time Auburn fan.
Go Arnold!!!!!!
(They’re ‘lukewarm’ because he’s a reliable conservative vote FOR the President)
Lying RINOs and media.
Sessions is controlled by Comeys boys.
They have Dirt on him.
Remember, the Dems wouldnt let Susan Collins leave the Senate either.
Here a notion. Everyone not in Alabama stay out of Alabama’
s business.
All you DC stooges, until the Primary is decided stay out
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