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Now we learn what US Attorney John Huber has been up to in his Russia Hoax investigation
American Thinker ^ | 07/30/2019 | Thomas Lifson

Posted on 07/30/2019 8:27:09 AM PDT by SeekAndFind

When then-AG Jeff Sessions announced 15 months ago that US Attorney for Utah, John Huber, would be conducting a review of the FBI’s use of wiretapping on the Trump campaign, initial hopes soon turned to disappointment that nothing seemed to be happening. But yesterday, former Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker rather casually mentioned (or perhaps let slip) during an interview with Sandra Smith that Huber is looking at “Comey’s memos and the like…. And there’s a lot of things Bill Barr is going to be bringing to a conclusion.”

Watch below, cued to the moment he mentions this: (hat tip: Sundance)


Readers who have been paying attention will remember that Comey wrote a series of memos to the files about his conversations with President Trump, and then leaked some – at least one of which contained classified information) to his close friend Daniel Richman, a former prosecutor and professor at Columbia University, who in turn leaked them to the new York Times. All of this was a successful plan to force the appointment of a Special Counsel, Robert Mueller.

Well, we are now finally done with Mueller, and there can be no cries of “obstruction of justice” if and when documents are declassified or grand juries hand down indictments.

Tick tick, tick...

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

TOPICS: Crime/Corruption; Culture/Society; Government
KEYWORDS: collusion; durham; eavesdropping; fisagate; huber; johnhuber; muellerreport; rodrosenstein; russia; sharylattkisson; spying; wiretapping; wiretaps
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1 posted on 07/30/2019 8:27:09 AM PDT by SeekAndFind
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To: SeekAndFind

NOT holding my breath with Huber. Guy did Nothing.

2 posted on 07/30/2019 8:28:43 AM PDT by KC_Conspirator
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To: SeekAndFind
Joe DiGenova insists that Utah is a side show and that the guy in Connecticut (can't recall the name) is the key.
3 posted on 07/30/2019 8:31:34 AM PDT by Gay State Conservative (A Joke:Lynch,Comey And Brennan Walk Into A Barr...)
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To: Gay State Conservative


4 posted on 07/30/2019 8:34:45 AM PDT by milagro (There is no peace in appeasement!)
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To: KC_Conspirator

So far I have a few categories. “Any day now”. “In 4 to 6 weeks”. “Four to six months”. Having a hard time with this one. I may need a new category. When encountering “Modified, Limited Hangout” one can sort these efforts into these categories for amusement but the result is all the same. Make the rubes think something is being done when, in fact, nothing is being done.

5 posted on 07/30/2019 8:35:03 AM PDT by wastoute (Government cannot redistribute wealth. Government can only redistribute poverty.)
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To: All

Huber is doing nothing and will continue to do nothing as planned.

6 posted on 07/30/2019 8:39:10 AM PDT by gibsonguy
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To: gibsonguy

15 MONTHS.............yea right. he isn’t doing shit.

7 posted on 07/30/2019 8:46:59 AM PDT by davidb56
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To: SeekAndFind
Didn't Whitaker leave the DOJ?

AG Barr is the one who knows whats going on. Barr said several weeks back that he's going to see what Huber has done, he's going to hand Huber's stuff off to Durham, and then he's going to wind Huber down.


Huber did nothing.

8 posted on 07/30/2019 8:50:20 AM PDT by FreeReign
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To: wastoute

Fall 2020

9 posted on 07/30/2019 8:57:15 AM PDT by Truthoverpower (The guvmint you get is the Trump winning express !)
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To: FreeReign

Was FreeReign ever in the DOJ?

AG Barr said nothing that contradicts Whitaker.


FreeReign knows nothing but confidently talks crap out of his rear end about those things anyway.

Whitaker knows more than you do about the DOJ.

10 posted on 07/30/2019 8:57:42 AM PDT by mongrel
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To: SeekAndFind

Whistling past the graveyard is what I read of all the posts so far. What I am seeing is the usual suspects who want a quick arrest and not get rid of the whole organization, a sacrificial lamb they can give up and keep the bigger part nice and safe.

So they whine that nothing has happened while due diligence is being done to search all the way down to the root of the issue, not just a gimme as if that would help solve the problem in total.

Same old posters saying the same things, looks like folks I see on the Anon board using the same talking points and desperately searching for some way to stop the train

Not gonna happen

It took them decades to build it and it will not come down in a news cycle as you wish, Trump is playing for keeps and the impact is global and all the participants are running scared.


Except the traitors

11 posted on 07/30/2019 8:59:32 AM PDT by 100American (Knowledge is knowing how, Wisdom is knowing when)
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To: FreeReign
Huber is doing his job as US Attorney for Utah in the news today. Provided as part of my ongoing series:

Huber Watch
U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber in the News

A lot is riding on the shoulders of John Huber, what is he up to, based on news accounts?

Some past HuberWatch highlights:

He is prosecuting vandals defacing rocks on national lands:

Idaho Falls man pleads guilty in Corona Arch graffiti case

SALT LAKE CITY — Federal prosecutors say an Idaho man has pleaded guilty to defacing a sandstone arch near Moab by scrawling graffiti on the rock feature.

As part of a plea agreement, the 45-year-old Idaho Falls man will pay a $1,000 fine and restitution of nearly $860 to the U.S. Bureau of Land Management for the damage done at Corona Arch


"U.S. Attorney John Huber told the Tribune on Friday that Andersen’s actions were “troubling to us and anyone who values Utah’s beautiful public lands. People travel from around the world to visit these spectacular resources. Mr. Andersen learned a valuable lesson from this prosecution.”

He's working to bring down street-level drug dealers and throw the book at them:

A 22-year-old Utah man died from an overdose. Now, federal prosecutors want big prison sentences for those who sold him the drugs.

“We all share responsibility in helping our communities rise above this epidemic,” U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber said in a Monday statement. “Within that space, surely the drug dealers and providers have culpability. Our efforts, like those in other federal districts, will track back from an overdose death to find those responsible for providing the drugs that led to the death. Drug dealers and traffickers will be held responsible.”

He is assigned to work with the OIG on the FISA warrant investigation, in this recent article

Of course this is the assignment that we are told is to form the key of bringing down the Deep State Coup plotters, but there is little evidence of any activity around it since this initial flurry of articles around the announcement by Jeff Sessions. <

Illinois’ congressional delegation spar over growing questions of surveillance abuse claims

Trump was roundly criticized (for his "tapped my wires" acqusationat that time for the unsubstantiated accusation, but congressional investigations over the last year lead by Republicans have unearthed what Republicans say was bias and wrongdoing by Obama administration Department of Justice employees involved in the process of getting warrants on a Trump adviser that allowed for surveillance on the Trump campaign.

The U.S. Department of Justice Inspector General investigation into the alleged FISA abuse is ongoing. A U.S. attorney from Utah, John Huber, also is investigating the claims.

He's investigation Utah Transit Authority land swaps to build a new transit hub:

Mountain Accord critic seeks expanded investigation

SALT LAKE CITY — A leading critic of the Mountain Accord planning process wants a federal investigation of its top leader and the Utah Transit Authority, which he said devised proposed land trades and transit hubs for the Wasatch Canyons under a cloak of secrecy.

That planning, asserts Norm Henderson, runs counter to a nonprosecution agreement Utah Transit Authority inked with U.S. Attorney for Utah John Huber in April of 2017 that requires transparency.

"It appears that UTA and certain elected officials have not taken seriously the criteria" established in the nonprosecution agreement, Henderson wrote in a letter to Huber on Friday.

UTA spokesman Carl Arky said Tuesday its attorneys are reviewing the letter and their records and may issue a response later in the week.

Huber is a great guy, I'm sure. But, we've still seen no action from him on the Deep State Coup.
12 posted on 07/30/2019 9:05:50 AM PDT by Jack Black ("If you believe in things that you don't understand then you suffer" - "Superstition",Stevie Wonder)
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To: SeekAndFind
Sundance is turning into Hannity with his tick, tick, tick. stuff.

Watching that video I see a talking head who casually repeats last years conventional wisdom - the Huber was "looking into some things". He's a former assistant AG, I doubt he knows much about the current status of things.

AG Barr himself said something to the effect that most of Huber's work has been turned over to Druham.

To believe Huber has been secretly concocting cases against the Deep State denizens means that one is still adhering to this motto:

Trust Sessions.

I don't. I gave up on Sessions a long time ago.

And, so, as a result I'm not holding out hope for late 4th quarter game-changing plays from Huber.

13 posted on 07/30/2019 9:15:31 AM PDT by Jack Black ("If you believe in things that you don't understand then you suffer" - "Superstition",Stevie Wonder)
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To: FreeReign

Losing faith in Barr. Barr is friends with Mueller. He had to have know that Mueller was a blooming idiot and figurehead. Yet, he offer Mueller the opportunity to keep it secret that he had nothing to do with the witch hunt other than supporting it way past a congressional election and not notifying congress / America that there was no collusion at least a year an half earlier.

14 posted on 07/30/2019 9:15:53 AM PDT by BushCountry (thinks he needs a gal whose name doesn't end in ".jpg")
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To: wastoute

Add “When Hell freezes over”.

15 posted on 07/30/2019 9:19:07 AM PDT by NTHockey (Rules of engagement #1: Take no prisoners. And to the NSA trolls, FU)
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To: BushCountry

Yes...Barr didn’t want Mueller to testify from what I’ve read. So that shows he has a clue, but at some point Barr is going to have to choose whether or not to prosecute his “good friend”, or not. Unless, of course Mueller throws Weissman, et al, under the bus!

16 posted on 07/30/2019 9:28:27 AM PDT by gr8eman (Only the mediocre are always at their best)
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To: SeekAndFind

I’m still waiting on Hellary to be put in jail.

17 posted on 07/30/2019 9:29:59 AM PDT by bgill
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To: SeekAndFind
Huber is done, if he ever got started. His final task was to wrap up work relating to Hillary, and I'm sure we all know there is no way they go after her in a serious way.

From an interview 2 MONTHS ago:

JAN CRAWFORD: Um, what's the status of Huber's investigation in Utah? I think the former Attorney General Sessions had asked him to look at this.

WILLIAM BARR: Right, so Huber had originally been asked to take a look at the FISA applications and the electronic surveillance but then he stood back and put that on hold while the Office of Inspector General was conducting its review, which would've been normal for the department. And he was essentially on standby in case Mr. Horowitz referred a matter to him to be handled criminally. So he has not been active on this front in recent months and so Durham is taking over that role. The other issues he's been working on relate to Hillary Clinton. Those are winding down and hopefully we'll be in a position to bring those to fruition.

JAN CRAWFORD: So he won't be involved in this really at all then?


JAN CRAWFORD: This is his role, it's done?


JAN CRAWFORD: And now Durham is going to pick up--

WILL BARR: Yes, right.

18 posted on 07/30/2019 9:31:12 AM PDT by ETCM
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To: KC_Conspirator

Probably true until Barr made him get off his @ss and get something done.

19 posted on 07/30/2019 9:58:30 AM PDT by Parley Baer
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To: mongrel
Didn't Whitaker leave the DOJ? AG Barr is the one who knows whats going on. Barr said several weeks back that he's going to see what Huber has done, he's going to hand Huber's stuff off to Durham, and then he's going to wind Huber down. Translation? Huber did nothing.

AG Barr said nothing that contradicts Whitaker. Translation? FreeReign knows nothing but confidently talks crap out of his rear end about those things anyway. Whitaker knows more than you do about the DOJ.

I don't necessarily disagree with your statement that Barr didn't contradict Whitaker.

My point is that Whitaker said very little and it appears Sundance is reading a lot into the little that Whitaker said.

The best information out there about what Huber did is from Barr. It's as I said...

Barr said several weeks back that he's going to see what Huber has done, he's going to hand Huber's stuff off to Durham, and then he's going to wind Huber down.

20 posted on 07/30/2019 10:02:25 AM PDT by FreeReign
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