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Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread 28 July 2019
Various driveby media television networks ^ | 28 July 2019 | Various Self-Serving Politicians and Big Media Screaming Faces

Posted on 07/28/2019 4:28:13 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!

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As always, soliciting FReeper comments, observations, and opinions on the shows.
1 posted on 07/28/2019 4:28:13 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
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To: acapesket; A.Hun; aligncare; altura; bagster; Bernard; bray; BreezyDog; Calpublican; cajungirl; ...
This is the Sunday Morning Talk Show Thread Ping List! If you want to be on it, reply to this post or FReepmail me (in case I miss it). If you want to be taken off, simply send me a FReepmail.

For the first few hours after Mueller's disastrous testimony, the democrats and media (not that there's a difference) were contrite and sad. Now, watch as they double-down, whistle pass the graveyard, and pretend they can still get Trump, on the shows this morning!

2 posted on 07/28/2019 4:30:44 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The media is after us. Trump's just in the way.)
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To: All
C-SPAN Radio, available on the net also, click here, broadcasts all five Sunday talk shows starting at 12:00 noon Eastern, as follows:

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM NBC's "Meet the Press"

1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ABC's "This Week"

2:00 PM - 3:00 PM "Fox News Sunday"

3:00 PM - 4:30 PM CNN's "State of the Union"

4:30 PM - 5:00 PM CBS's "Face The Nation"

Listen at the link above WHILE you FReep! Also, Sharyl Attkinson’s Full Measure: Watch live at 9:30 EST.

3 posted on 07/28/2019 4:31:09 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The media is after us. Trump's just in the way.)
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To: All
Here are the email addresses or web pages--and now Twitter pages--for commenting to the weekend talk shows:

Meet the Press Meet the Press mailbox (web page for comments) @MeetThePress @ChuckTodd

Face the Nation @FaceTheNation

Fox News Sunday @foxnewssunday

ABC This Week @ThisWeekABC @GStephanopoulos

CNN State of the Union CNN State of the Union (web page for comments) @CNNSotu @JakeTapper

4 posted on 07/28/2019 4:31:33 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The media is after us. Trump's just in the way.)
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To: All; bray

“The Sunday Morning Bray”, by Bray!

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Hebrews 12:1 KJV

How anyone can have the slightest amount of sympathy for the Muleteam is a mystery. He had absolutely no sympathy for anybody in front of his fifty million not so silent coup attempt complete with SWAT team arrests to humiliate his victims. He may have played the doddering old fool routine to a T, but that was simply an act to not answer questions and gain sympathy for what he did.

In the end he had to admit there was no case and there is no such thing as exonerated in the judicial world since exoneration is an unattainable threshold. The term was invented since President Trump used the word in one of his tweets and the very petty Robert Mueller had to write in his report he was NOT being exonerated even though he was by having said there is not any evidence of any collusion.

How many lives did he ruin in his Sherman’s March through the Trump administration in an attempt to overthrow a duly elected President? How many trillions of dollars has this Communist Party operation cost the country in chaos in the Trump administration over this fake charge hanging over his head? How many questions were asked about this fake charge? How much discord was there in our diplomacy with other countries and especially with the relationship between Trump and Putin who was also proved innocent? There was no Russian attack on our election. There were more attacks from the British than there were the Russians and neither of them affected a single vote.

If the DNC is so concerned about the security of the vote then they should be equally concerned about voter fraud which is estimated to affect 2-3% of the total vote. That amounts to 3-4 million fraudulent votes. If this were a serious concern rather than a coup attempt by the Clinton Machine then they would be making sure there was proper ID and verification of legal voting to make sure there is not a single illegal vote in the system. Of course they are not for a secure vote since they know they would lose control of the Congress as well as having little chance of the White House and many of the states would change as well.

They were and are not concerned with the Russians; they are trying to steal an election they thought they had already stolen. When Muletrain gets up there with all of his sanctimony and outrage about saving our electoral process you have to ax, what voter protection are they talking about? These same people have never cared about the people who cast those votes before and will not care about them when they cast them this time. These same people never had the slightest problem with the Russians making headway in our schools and universities but are now worried about turning some America loving Trump voters?

This whole thing would not pass the smell test if it was not being promoted by the entire Clinton Machine from the District of Corruption to Havana on the Hudson’s media industrial complex to opiate their voters. To believe the Russians could somehow change votes with no explanation of how other than some Facebook ads nobody likely saw is beyond belief yet we hire a special persecutor for fifty million to investigate the impossible? We have lives ruined over the allegation some Russians paid for some ads on a website nobody saw and as it turns out they were not Russian or Russian connected they were Ukrainians who hate Putin.

If this were the Turd World country the DNC is attempting to make this, Mueller would be smoking a cigarette with a blindfold on right now. This was by far the most corrupt scandal in the histoir of the Beltway swamp. He had to know there was nothing in this from day one and he stretched it out to affect the midterm election and get the House changed for impeachment which is criminal and diabolical. To hire nothing but DNC hacks and donors to do the investigation is absolutely unethical yet he walks away clean. This entire bloodless coup attempt should be met with ropes and trap doors if this country still had any honor. The entire fiasco was on display at the House and he did not deny it in the slightest.

So he and the DNC hang their hat on the fact the President was not exonerated. Since when in America are you exonerated of a charge? If you are not guilty of a charge you are exonerated. This is not their beloved Soviet Union or China, this is America where you are innocent until proven guilty. You are not automatically guilty because some fake charge is made by your opposition you are innocent of all charges until proven otherwise and with absolutely no evidence of the false charge how can you not be exonerated.

Robert Mueller may be the most corrupted man in America. Now we see why the FBI are a bunch of bumbling fools who make the Keystone Cops look good. He was more interested in politics than justice and ran the Bureau as an arm of the swamp to keep the politicians in order. He is why mistakes like 911 happened and the botching of the OK City investigation and others. He only cared about what was going on inside the DC bubble and had no focus on the real threats to this country.

Mueller may be registered a Repub, but you can bet your bottom dollar he loved Clinton and was a part of their team. This is why Comey chose him for the coup director and what we saw with the Grandpa Munster routine was not who was running the campaign.

These swamp creatures know how to play the game and that was his act to make everyone think he had nothing to do with it. That was his way to avoid blame when the truth is revealed so he can pass it on to Weinstein who undoubtedly was the bad cop.

The curtain got pulled back and it wasn’t pretty. We saw a version of the Great Oz although he too was hiding behind a curtain. The beauty of Donald Trump is he does not stop pulling back curtains and the next one is going to reveal the entire show.

We had a peek at the Clinton Family Laundry and how they slime people with opposition research such as the dossier and how the Podesta Brothers can organize a coup. How telling he uses the impeachment weapon to hamstring Trump. Now the canaries are going to begin singing to avoid jail and the bodies are going to fall.

When we find out who ordered the illegal spying on a Presidential Campaign then ABDNCBS will no longer be able to whitewash the scandal and the spotlight will be shining on their favorite stars. Mueller was just the first Wizard to be exposed and in the next few months and years the entire District of Corruption will be too. Only then can America truly be what our Founding Fathers intended her to be.

Pray America Wakes

Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Bray’s. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.

5 posted on 07/28/2019 4:32:02 AM PDT by Alas Babylon! (The media is after us. Trump's just in the way.)
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To: Alas Babylon!

Morning AB, All. As always, thank you AB for doing this thread so reliably and keeping the peace with gentle thread policing. Thank you Bray for weekly written wisdom, Thank you Rodguy for fishing tales and political perspectives from all angles, Thank all yon contributors for excellent commentary to flesh it all out.

Below are the words from my daily political diary. It is quite long so scroll on by if not interested. But do stay around and add your commentary and point of view to the thread.



Lots of uproar in the streets of both Puerto Rico and Hong Kong. Both locales are faced with blatant corruption and malfeasance.

The Clintons got their hands on the Puerto Rico money given for Hurricane Marie. The Clintons.

Give money anywhere near a Clinton or a Clinton foundation and it becomes like a shrimp to my cat, Gerald.

Gerald feels like every shrimp anywhere in the world belongs to him and he will fight for his right to obtain.

Hong Kong residents are all upset about the possibility that the wonderful Chinese, honest and fair and freedom loving, will start pulling residents of Hong Kong back to China….who knows for why. But China will treat them fair and sweet as China is known for its decency.

This is the lesson that people of this planet need to understand. America began its journey by setting up a constitution, by declaring freedom from those who mistreat, by creating a government setup and a system of checks and balance.

When Joe Blow dictator manages to get all of a country’s money and its soldiers, they rarely sit down and discuss, calmly and fairly, how to treat everyone fairly.

For too many times, America sends its army and rescues the persecuted people of the world. Isn’t it about time these people fought for themselves?

We understand that it’s hard to build an army to fight back when the people do not have money or power.

But you have numbers. There are millions of you. It doesn’t happen overnight but fight for yourselves. Stop getting in boats or trucks and forcing your way into America.

Freedom and a demand to be treated fair, it’s not cheap.

Give us time here in America, we will send Bill, Hillary, maybe even Chelsea, to come live in Puerto Rico whose money they stole.



Her name is Karen Timulty, a columnist for the Washington Post, put up a column asking President Obama to come back and save the country from Trump.



The Washington Post published an open letter from one of its columnist urging former President Barack Obama to speak out against President Trump to “lift the country’s sights again.”

Columnist Karen Tumulty penned the piece, headlined “We need someone who can lift us up again. Enter President Obama,” which essentially begs the former president to take action against his successor.

“Mr. President, it is time. You must speak. Your country needs you,” Tumulty wrote before referencing controversial tweets the current president recently sent in which he told four congresswomen to “go back” to where they came from. Three of the four women were born in America.


May she burn in hell.

We elected our president you dumb ***t. What gives you any right to take action against the president we elected.

Like I said ugly Karen….MAY YOU BURN IN HELL.



Here’s a picture of Ivanka Trump’s new dog.

Already they are calling the dog racist. Notice it is all white, proof positive that the Trumps are racists! And note the blue eyes.

Nasty racists, even with the dogs.

My dog is black by the way. One of my cats is black and the other two are gray.

What does that make me?




I watched a couple of interviews of Puerto Rico’s Governer Rossello. Both interviews were done by Fox’s Shepard Smith, not widely known for his hard interviews.

Smith asked Rossello if he could give a name of somebody of some Puerto Rican note thinks he should keep his position. I heard Rossello with my own ears give a name. Smith came back on and said that the person Rossello named denied ever recommending that this guy, son of the prior Governor, should remain in office.

This Saturday it is rumored that the Puerto Rican protestors are going to lock arms and block all the country’s roads.

Damn, when you’re so hated, what nerve to flip all those people the bird and keep the power. Course he has the Obamas and Clintons on his side. Biden figured in that group as well. He got all the money. Our politicos got a bunch of hurricane bucks as well, mostly the Clinton foundation.

I don’t think this guy will make it until the end of the week. Once he’s out, look for American auditors to discover all kinds of American money in Puerto Rico, all benefitting the Clintons and Obamas.

I can feel it in my bones.



Since I don’t have a life, I have taped the hearings. I know it sounds childish but this is political drama right up my alley. The latest on those hearings as of this writing is that Mueller will have his Chief of Staff sitting beside him. This is a surprise all around. It’s even suggested that perhaps this guy will do all the testifying while Mueller will say nothing.

Mueller has been warned to not go beyond his report he submitted to the Republic.

This is going to be interesting.







Why yes I did watch the horrible testimony of Bob Mueller yesterday and only one conclusion can be drawn.

Something is seriously wrong with Bob Mueller.

You don’t have to be a doctor to figure it out. Bob Mueller was shaking. He could barely speak. His hearing was awful.

I, as an American taxpayer who paid for that 2.5 year fake investigation, feel like I’ve been bamboozled.


I will never know what the Democrats were thinking when they came up with this idea. There’s already been a report filed. A report in which Mueller concluded that there was no collusion with Russia to interfere in our election in 2016. In addition, the report declared that there was no obstruction of justice.

But Mueller made no sense, could barely be understood with his weak voice. His face was red and flushed during all interviews.

His main assertion, based on absolutely nothing, was that the Office of Legal Council took the position that a sitting president cannot be indicted.

So what branch of our government is this Office of Legal Council?

He’s just trying to convince Americans that might pass by during a listen that President Trump would have been impeached, found guilty and hung by his neck until death had Mueller and his gang of lying witches been able to indict him.

How many times are we going to do this? Five investigations? No? Twenty investigations?

Hang in there people. Nobody would consider Bob Mueller a fine investigator after this mess today.

We need to get our country back, stop spending our money on nothing.

Mueller would not discuss Glenn Simpson, Hillary’s Russian Associations or anything to do with the Steele dossier fake.

He failed and he failed miserably.

What a sad way for Bob Mueller to end his career.



Time for a little silly stuff….NOT politics.

I love my house. I loved my house when I lived up in Baltimore and had never laid an eye on it. I knew I was going to buy it from my first trip to Delaware to check it out.

And I STILL love my house, although now it has a reverse mortgage on it, money from same used to by my daughter a house. Which she promptly destroyed.

I’ve been living here over 15 years now and I still love it.

But it needs some work.

I got maybe ten to fifteen years to live here and my garage door needs fixing, the deck needs a cover, a roof change might be needed soon.

But still I love it.

It’s nothing anybody would consider a mansion. But it has a garage, a front porch, a back deck, a nice back yard fenced for dog and a big well-maintained front yard.

Not that much of anybody cares but I hated my other house.

More on that someday.



So I purchased about a dozen tea towels for use as a napkin as I eat in my bedroom.

A few weeks ago I washed them carefully, folded nicely and put them away.

I’ve looked everywhere.

I can’t find them.

A dozen of them….boom, gone.

Now I suppose I can afford to buy another dozen.

But where did I put them?



I tuned in to Master Chef, a cooking show I sometimes like.

Gordon Ramsey is head of this cooking contest show, as he is so many.

But I saw an incident on a recent Master Chef that had me scratching my head.

One of the teams was preparing a meal and it was time for the mashed potatoes. One team member shrieked when another team member scooped a pile of taters on the plate.

“NO!” she shouted and grabbed the mashed potato scoop. “ The mashed potatoes must be scooped into a circle  resembling an apostrophe,” she scolded.

Is this a new law I’ve never heard of?

I plop a big spoonful of mashed potatoes onto the plate and then ladle gravy upon.

Am I breaking the law of some sort?

Insert smile here.

I will never be a Master Chef.



Yes it’s been all Mueller all the time these past 24 hours since Bob Mueller was interviewed by two congressional committees.

The general consensus is that he was awful.

Which he was.

Mueller was never a decent guy. His history is not a good one, including leaving known innocent men in jail and let’s not forget this nonsense, lying about writing a report he did not even write.

He mumbled and stumbled, his hands shook, he face blushed. He was obviously not well.




The wonderful Jeffrey Epstein has been rumored to have attempted suicide in his jail cell.

Allegedly he was discovered in his jail cell, mysterious marks on his neck and in a state of “semi-consciousness”.

It is rumored that this is all an act by Epstein, a fine fellow used to great treatment by the political elite who he provides youthful female pleasure to.

The world would be much better off without Epstein. Let’s hope next try he succeeds.




The wonderful and honest and hated Puerto Rican Governor, Ricardo Rosello, will be resigning effective 8/2/19. Rosello’s claim to fame is stealing monies sent to PR to assist with aid for Hurricane Maria. Also he tweeted out some nastiness about his own citizens.

A lot of people do not believe he will follow through on this. We shall keep open watch.




There is a recent, and bizarre, bevy of attacks on cops that includes throwing a bucket of water on them.

This happens mostly in New York where the magnificent Mayor DiBlasio says nothing to tell his city’s citizens to stop this nonsense.

What happens when the liquid becomes acid? Does anybody really think this nuttiness will only be water?

We will see where this goes.






When I was a young woman I was an avid women’s libber.

No, I am not proud of this.

But allow me to make an argument.

If I had been given a choice to be born either a female or male I never, not on a dime, not on a bet, not on my life, have chosen to be a female.

Why would I? Why would anyone?

The female has to put up with that blood thing every month. She has to suffer the horrible pain of childbirth. She must spend her life worrying about her looks and her weight and hating always what she sees in the mirror.

The male , on the other hand, has a package he must deal with it but blood does not come out of it monthly. Eight pound babies do not have to fit through a narrow passageway to cause screams of pain. The male has a few minutes of pleasure and boom, his part of child production is done.

One of the things I really hated about being a female was how a woman was expected to sit in a chair while males in the nightclub prowl around, looking over the goods. Back in my day (thank goodness it’s not like that anymore) the woman didn’t get on the dance floor until asked by a male. I hated being looked over and appraised like a fine horse for choosing by my male masters.

I’m older now and it doesn’t much matter if I am a male or a female. Few of all that stuff still works anymore. And as a result of being older I have to realize that males didn’t have it so easy.

And guess what? I didn’t have a choice to be born male or female. None of us do. It’s probably why we have all this transgender nonsense going on.

We live in a society that grieves for folks like me, born a female which I hated. Me, who should have the right to declare though my body is female, my mind is male.


Finally, a point with a smile. At my age I find out that little whiskers of hair appear upon my face. Lots of women have this issue as they age.


Yup, at almost 70 years of age I realize that no way could I have stood being a male. I hate any kind of hair upon my face.

Every six weeks, like clockwork, I make an appointment and get any loose hairs removed from my face because I just cannot stand hair growing out of my face. Sometimes before I get in for a wax I sit and pull out little lip hairs with my fingernails.

Lately I’ve been noticing the facial hair on men around me, be it full-grown beards, mustaches, goatees….I COULD NOT HAVE STOOD HAVING THAT CRAP GROWING OUT OF MY FACE MY ENTIRE LIFE.


Took me almost 70 years but now I know why I’d rather blood and babies than hair growing all over my face.



The link below has the story on five men scheduled to be executed by the federal government before the end of this year. The death penalty has been put back on the table by AJ Barr, as well it should be.

First, the reasons why the federal government was the head of this criminal probe is mostly because the crimes crossed state lines. Most of the time the state hears these cases and determines if the death penalty. I didn’t even know the feds had eliminated the death penalty. Many surveys and polls over the years reveal that Americans, the vast majority, believe in the death penalty.

I understand that wise prosecutors seldom go after the death penalty save for big horrible cases involving young children and multiple murders. The reason why the sweet and loving Casey Anthony, she who stuffed her daughter in the trunk of her car with chloroform  stuffed in her mouth, didn’t get the death penalty is that her stupid prosecutor went after the death penalty when he shouldn’t have.

Casey Anthony was a selfish brat who will descend immediately into hell after she draws her last breath. But it was doubtful she really wanted to kill her daughter. Many people, including the jury, thought she was trying, using all the stupid inside her, to shut her daughter up for the night. The jury, rightfully so, declared Anthony innocent because their only other choice was to give her the death penalty.

All of the five men below killed children heartlessly. No way they should have been given the goodness of the hearts of America. All together they snuffed out almost 20 lives.

Stick a needle in them and call them done.





Meanwhile, something else I didn’t know….the contents of grand juries cannot be released to the public. I am not sure just why and wonder why that law was passed.

But the irony here is that  it was congress that passed this law. So if Nadler wants it (which he does not, more on this later) he and his colleagues can change the damn law.

But Nadler doesn’t want the grand jury information. It probably doesn’t have anything to help impeach, try and hang Trump. It will allow more noise to go on about Trump and if they hang in there, soon they will throw out the lawfully elected president, as is their wish.

They could, just throwing it out there, WAIT TILL THE NEXT ELECTION AND ELECT A NEW PRESIDENT.

But why do anything legally when with the help of the media shouting dogs, they can get away with disobeying the law?



6 posted on 07/28/2019 4:34:17 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: Alas Babylon!

Oh my, more of Rove and the media’s attempts at rehabilitating the president they hated 24/7 back in the day.

7 posted on 07/28/2019 4:37:17 AM PDT by OttawaFreeper ("The Gardens was founded by men-sportsmen-who fought for their country" Conn Smythe, 1966)
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To: Alas Babylon!

I hope Candace Owens and PDJT tag team and hammer CNN and Van Jones and Mia Love after their defense of Cummings and so called racism this morning. You have to know that is why they are on today.

8 posted on 07/28/2019 4:40:48 AM PDT by CincyRichieRich (Vote for President Trump in 2020 or end up equally miserable, no rights, and eating zoo animals)
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To: CincyRichieRich

Speaking of Elijah Cummings....and her buddy Nancy Pelosi...

...this always brings up my Nancy Pelosi story.

My father was head of the Baltimore carpenters union 101, shop steward. Mayor D’Alesandro, Nancy’s father, would hire the carpenters to fix up his house in Baltimore’s Little Italy. When my Dad got the job, my brother and I sometimes went to help, carry tools, pick up construction trash.

That’s when I met Nancy D’Alesandro although I can’t think of a single thing she ever said to me. But she’d come home and demand her mother wait on her, request rather nastily that she be allowed to go somewhere, buttered up her father to get her way.

I sure did envy her, perfect pleats in her Catholic school skirt, she was pretty....she always got her way.

Now enter this Elijah Cummings....also from Baltimore.

There this creep is calling the situation at the border horribly for human beings.....President Trump reminds, insert snort here, that Cummings section of Baltimore is a big dump, who the hell is he to talk?


while at it, remind America that Pelosi too is from Baltimore, that her father AND her brother were once mayors. Cumming and Pelosi hardly made Baltimore any gorgeous place to live, not to mention very unsafe.

I worked in Baltimore, all over. Loved that city. LOVED THAT CITY!!! The inner harbor, Johns Hopkins, busy and productive down town.

Now my granddaughter lives in Baltimore and I worry constantly about her safety.

Hey, Pelosi and Cummings.....fix up Baltimore that y’all left a mess then maybe someone will believe you.

9 posted on 07/28/2019 4:53:29 AM PDT by Fishtalk
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To: Alas Babylon!

10 posted on 07/28/2019 5:01:17 AM PDT by Travis McGee (
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To: Alas Babylon!

Robert Mueller may be the most corrupted man in America. Now we see why the FBI are a bunch of bumbling fools who make the Keystone Cops look good. He was more interested in politics than justice and ran the Bureau as an arm of the swamp to keep the politicians in order. He is why mistakes like 911 happened and the botching of the OK City investigation and others. He only cared about what was going on inside the DC bubble and had no focus on the real threats to this country.
Perfect portrayal of who this assclown really is.He’s deep state and has been for decades being 100% owned by the cabal.
heres some of what this clown has been up to a lifetieme of support for those that hate america and wish to rule the world:
this from a poster over at gumshoe,priceless a partila list of muellers coverups for 41 among others,hes been deep state for decades.
Arlyn March 27, 2019 at 10:24 am
The High Treason Traitor Robert Mueller covered up 9/11 according to court documents
This is why President Trump has had to get rid of all of the criminals in high offices from the DOJ to the FBI and the sealing of indictments. There is a war between the Trump administration with the military intelligence operations that have been ongoing prior to Trump getting in office. There proposed coup de tats have been crude lies orchestrated by the DNC and HRC as that is where the money was followed to. Of course we will never get to hear these points of facts and evidence here in Australia by the media and press

Court Documents Show Mueller Involved in 9/11 Cover-up

Judicial Watch: Mueller Covered Up 9/11 Saudi Connection

9/11 Whistleblower Rowley on Mueller’s History of “Cover-up”
ttp:// ROWLEY, rowleyclan [at], @ColeenRowley
Rowley, a former FBI special agent and division counsel whose May 2002 memo to then-FBI Director Robert Mueller exposed some of the FBI’s pre-9/11 failures, was named one of TIME magazine’s “Persons of the Year” in 2002. She just appeared on The Real News report “Special Counsel Investigating Trump Campaign Has Deep Ties to the Deep State,” about Mueller being appointed to investigate the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia.

While Mueller has been widely described as being of impeccable character by much of official Washington, Rowley said today: “The truth is that Robert Mueller (and James Comey as deputy attorney general — see my New York Times op-ed on day of Comey’s confirmation hearing) presided over a cover-up …”

In her interview, Rowley noted: “The FBI and all the other officials claimed that there were no clues, that they had no warning [about 9/11] etc., and that was not the case. There had been all kinds of memos and intelligence coming in. I actually had a chance to meet Director Mueller personally the night before I testified to the Senate Judiciary Committee … [he was] trying to get us on his side, on the FBI side, so that we wouldn’t say anything terribly embarrassing. …

“When you had the lead-up to the Iraq War … Mueller and, of course, the CIA and all the other directors, saluted smartly and went along with what Bush wanted, which was to gin up the intelligence to make a pretext for the Iraq War. For instance, in the case of the FBI, they actually had a receipt, and other documentary proof, that one of the hijackers, Mohamed Atta, had not been in Prague, as Dick Cheney was alleging. And yet those directors more or less kept quiet. That included … CIA, FBI, Mueller, and it included also the deputy attorney general at the time, James Comey.”

Rowley also noted that Mueller presided over “the ‘post 9-11 round-up’ of innocent immigrants, the anthrax investigation fiasco, as well as going along with a form of martial law (made possible via secret OLC [Office of Legal Counsel] memos written by John Yoo etc. predicated upon Yoo’s theories of absolute ‘imperial presidency’ or ‘war presidency’ powers that the Bush administration was making [Attorney General John] Ashcroft sign off on).”

“While not the worst of the bunch, neither Comey nor Mueller deserve their Jimmy Stewart ‘G-man’ reputations for absolute integrity but have merely been, along the lines of George ‘Slam Dunk’ Tenet, capable and flexible politicized sycophants to power, that enmeshed them in numerous wrongful abuses of power along with presiding over plain official incompetence. It’s sad that political partisanship is so blinding and that so few people remember the actual sordid history.”

Mueller covered up 9/11 truth and pushed the Iraq WMD lie; his latest report is more of the same.

Trump +247: Mueller, the 9/11 Cover-up and the DNC Crisis

Trump to investigate Mueller for 9/11-anthrax?

President about to drop the hammer on former FBI Director for burying Saudi involvement in attacks

29 Pages Revealed: Corruption, Crime and Cover-up Of 9/11
The same goes for Brennan

Mueller’s History of Cover-Ups
What some people don’t know about Mueller is that he has a long history of leading government investigations that were diversions or cover-ups. These include the investigation into the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103, the investigation into the terrorist financing Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI), and the FBI investigations into the crimes of September 11th, 2001. Today the public is beginning to realize that Mueller’s investigation into Russian collusion with the Trump campaign is a similar diversion.

Mueller’s talents were noticed early in his career at the Justice Department. As a U.S. Attorney in Boston during the mid-80s, he helped falsely convict four men for murders they didn’t commit in order to protect a powerful FBI informant—mobster James “Whitey” Bulger.” According to the Boston Globe, “Mueller was also in that position while Whitey Bulger was helping the FBI cart off his criminal competitors even as he buried bodies in shallow graves along the Neponset.”

When CIA Director John Brennan states that he believes the 29 pages prove that the government of Saudi Arabia had no involvement in the 9/11 attacks, recognize that John Brennan is not a man living in reality — he is delusional by design, feeding and protecting his Saudi vice.

Arlyn March 29, 2019 at 9:04 am
Bombshell Lawsuit Claims FBI Knowingly Hid Evidence from Congress of Explosives Used on 9/11

Arlyn March 29, 2019 at 9:08 am
Post-Mueller report warning and analysis of vulnerability of liberal cities to “Civil War Two”
ANALYSIS: Why the treasonous Left will suffer a brutal loss in the coming civil war as power, water and food supply lines are cut by rural patriots defending America

Arlyn March 27, 2019 at 10:33 am
BREAKING: Robert Mueller’s CRIMINAL Past Reveals He’s Unfit To Lead Investigation

Robert Mueller’s Father was Head of Gestapo

The Never-Ending Mueller Witch Hunt: An Affront to the Constitution

Richard March 28, 2019 at 8:23 pm
Great posts Arlyn. Owen Shroyer covered much of this on Infowars recently and they also did an excellent deep dive on Mueller on the Daily Shoah a couple weeks ago. Neon Revolt has maintained all along that Mueller is a white-hat masquerading as a black-hat, as is Rosenstein. Neon has been mocked for that, but it doesn’t seem so silly now. (The fool who persists in his folly will eventually become wise) Mueller’s unequivocal negative finding has green lighted the next steps in “the plan” to be instigated by John Huber in Utah.
All those who mocked QAnon as toothless boomer-posting will also eat crow. The gang of eight is going down, starting with Schiff.
Hail Kek.

11 posted on 07/28/2019 5:03:25 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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To: Fishtalk

while at it, remind America that Pelosi too is from Baltimore, that her father AND her brother were once mayors. Cumming and Pelosi hardly made Baltimore any gorgeous place to live, not to mention very unsafe.

I worked in Baltimore, all over. Loved that city. LOVED THAT CITY!!! The inner harbor, Johns Hopkins, busy and productive down town.

Now my granddaughter lives in Baltimore and I worry constantly about her safety.

Hey, Pelosi and Cummings.....fix up Baltimore that y’all left a mess then maybe someone will believe you.
Pat, I think this grand episode will have many acts and chapters...I believe PDJT is on this and will lob grenades until they beg for mercy. I’d bet he’s just in warm-up mode...each one will be more delicious than your favorite crab cake recipe! D-licious!

12 posted on 07/28/2019 5:05:56 AM PDT by CincyRichieRich (Vote for President Trump in 2020 or end up equally miserable, no rights, and eating zoo animals)
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To: All
So much good stuff and so little time:
13 posted on 07/28/2019 5:08:04 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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To: Alas Babylon!
than theres this one from an FR legend:
14 posted on 07/28/2019 5:11:37 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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To: rodguy911

Then there is this from rx on the fake crash with Fuddy;page=751

I hope it’s OK with you that I answer despite not being on your ping list. Please advise if I’ve done something to “merit” my exclusion.
1. Yes, the plane was crashed on purpose. It was a billowy, Universal Studios-style crash, almost directly upwind. The pilot lied about many things.

2. The NTSB has a nice, long irrelevant report concerning the tear-down of an engine that was not on the Cessna Grand Caravan when it crashed. That report shows compressor fan blade fractures that impacted the shroud and took out large portions of all the rest of the fan blades in both the hot and cool sections.

It was the correct engine logged to have been on the craft, but that engine was replaced, almost certainly the previous day, when that craft was said to have been in the commuter airline owner’s repair shop. I believe the logged engine was sabotaged to manifest the compressor fan blade failure that Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) would later find. The pilot’s movements in the video show he used manipulations of the controls, specifically, POH-prohibited use of the Emergency Power Lever, that would likely cause the type of failure P&WC would later find. With all the other lies the pilot brought forth, I believe it likely that he was the one to have sabotaged it in the shop—just as he tried to recreate in the air. The video’s audio track, vis-a-vis the engine and cabin sounds were certainly edited, though it’s not clear by whom.

3. Small numbers of people in the FAA and NTSB were necessarily “in on it.” The NTSB Investigator in Charge allowed the report to declare that the engine and airframe were found already separated on the ocean floor, when all the visible mounts, struts, cables, etc. show obvious saw cuts were the cause of the separations. There were clearly multiple cuts on all visible members, which suggests that there were indeed two engines, an admittedly surprising fact that was confirmed by much other evidence. Any responsible investigative team member that implicitly or explicitly signed off on that set of facts was corrupted., or would have to be considered incompetent, which no one should believe.

4. She was not killed, nor did she die. This was the CIA-asset’s exit to Valhalla. She was a loose end. They would not want her subjected to questioning, from a court or Congress. She was responsible for having procured a false document to cover-up Barry’s usurpation of the presidency.

A new life, a make-over, pension, and money for her ostensible “family” to come from the main competitor to Barry’s Chairman of Jobs and Opportunity council, a foreign company, was, I’m sure, OK with Team Barry.

This evidence should speak for itself on what lay before the Medical Examiner (ME). There is lots of confirming evidence, but hopefully this will suffice for now. If you want it all, there’s a book.

5. I imagine you’re saying that if one is coerced or threatened, that that person is “in on” the “conspiracy? Would that apply if the person is forced to sign an NDA to keep his or her job?

“There are no obituaries recorded for the ME and Deputy Coroner, thus I infer they’re both alive. What additional information might you have? This image shows below that “Fuddy” was replaced by a military-trained diver, for which there’s also copious other evidence.

This shows the way each of “Fuddy” and the replacement diver lay above and below the water.

“Guesses” should not be confused with “I *think* I know.”

774 posted on 7/27/2019, 8:54:15 PM by rx (Truth Will Out!)
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Undoubtedly fuddy and perhaps Seth Rich are sitting at a tiki bar in Hawaii having a cool one day after day having survived yet another “D” rated play by the deep state.

Hugo Fuegen desrves tons of credit for exposing what was a D rated play by the usual suspects all designed to protect the fearless leader ozero and allow fuddy to keep on living.
If you have the threee hours its well worth it to see what really happened.
HUgo also did a book that is simply stellar and no accolades are too high for the work he has done on this story.

15 posted on 07/28/2019 5:20:26 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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To: All
just when you think it cant get any better:
16 posted on 07/28/2019 5:22:35 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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To: Travis McGee
ad hoc BINGO card for NBC/other shows:

17 posted on 07/28/2019 5:35:44 AM PDT by Diogenesis ( WWG1WGA)
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To: CincyRichieRich

Prepare to have your intelligence insulted mightily this morning.

18 posted on 07/28/2019 5:35:50 AM PDT by CMailBag
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To: rodguy911

Humpty needs to be slightly larger.

19 posted on 07/28/2019 5:37:29 AM PDT by CMailBag
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To: Alas Babylon!
A happy potus
20 posted on 07/28/2019 5:44:21 AM PDT by rodguy911 (Maga: USA supports Trump. Home of the Free because of the brave.)
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