Posted on 07/03/2019 1:40:21 PM PDT by Kaslin
Libertarian dittos. We have our heads buried in the sand on too many issues but on paper we’re perfect.
There is much to admire about mainstream libertarian sentiment. But far too many who self identify as libertarian today are in fact little more than thinly disguised anarchists. And I have no patience for that nonsense.
They need to be outspoken against abortion.
Another problem is that so-called libertarians are really libertinists. That is they want to be able do every immoral or stupid act but then have the government pay for the consequences. E.g., a motorcyclist, who is not wearing a helmet had an accident and has a terrible head injury. Should the public ambulance provide aid and the hospital provide care? These libertinists have no problem with that. So much for having responsibility for your own body.
Pot is legal now. Doesn’t that mean libertarianism has achieved 99% of its goals?
In an unscientific poll, I served 4 years active duty and never talked to one Libertarian. We talked politics a lot. Serving their country is not their thing.
Libertarianism lost its viability when it embraced Ayn Rand’s largely unconstrained hedonism.
They are responsible for a few Democrat senators in red states in the northwest. Shaved votes that otherwise would’ve gone Republican. Still the GOP is still stupid so you can’t blame him anymore than you can blame Nader for putting 43 in office.
Most true libertarians would say there should be no public ambulances or hospitals in the first (which I agree with entirely) place so there is a flaw in your argument
I’d also say no public schools, housing, or anything else of the sort
They(Lie-ber-terrorists) have infected the GOP to the point where “free trade” is now considered a conservative position! Talk about a 180. They have left us defenseless in a mercantilist world.
My sentiments exactly. I consider myself a conservative with a libertarian streak, but I am very much in favor of a strong, moral social order that may involve government intervention that may seem out of line for a lot of conservatives.
Modern libertarianism is immoral. I don’t know how or why individuals co-opted the morality out of their viewpoints. But they did. And as such are useless.
Conservative Libertarians are some of the best most articulate people I know, Liberal Libertarians are some of the worst most vile.
Libertarians don’t buy votes. In the end everybody wants something from the government. Whether it’s direct handouts or “incentives” that are basically handouts. People talk principles but they want you to put something in their wallet, and taking less out just never seems to cut it.
Afraid they can't go there if they are true Libertarians.
Plenty of (small l) libertarians served in the military, myself included.
“no public ambulances or hospitals in the first (which I agree with entirely)”
If you live in a rural area, will a for-profit ambulance service be available when you need them? I tend to doubt it. Does that mean that anyone who wants emergency medical care available for their family will just have to move to inner city hell holes? Is that what we really want?
Yeah, right, they believe that for at least one of the parties in an abortion.
I was a Libertarian activist for years, even ran for political office as one, but broke with the Party over the issue of abortion since it so egregiousy contradicts the putative Libertarian principle of non-aggression. Individuals own their bodies and have rights over them that other individuals, groups, and governments may not violate.
Libertarians for Life:
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