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Mexicans Are Stealing Border Wall Materials, Using Them For Home Security (Frito Banditos!)
Huffington Post / AP ^
| March 20, 2019
| Ryan Grenoble/Gregory Bull
Posted on 03/23/2019 7:24:54 AM PDT by Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
Edited on 03/23/2019 8:58:49 AM PDT by Sidebar Moderator.
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... Ay, ay, ay, ay! oh, I am dee Concertina Bandito. I like to sell wire and make me dinero; I like me dinero, it buy me cerveza; I love me Cerveza, I do!
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
Well, that’s a new twist on embedding broken beer bottles in mortar on top of the walls.
Everyone has a new way to skin the home security cat.
posted on
03/23/2019 7:28:23 AM PDT
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
If life gives you
lemons Concertina wire, you make
lemonade a home security system.
posted on
03/23/2019 7:29:16 AM PDT
(Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.)
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
The woman, identified as Veronica, told the newspaper El Sol de Tijuana that the man had blue eyes, blonde hair, and didnt speak Spanish well. The Mexican equivalent of two white guys in MAGA hats?
If Mexicans need razor wire to keep Mexicans out, doesn't that show that we do, too?
posted on
03/23/2019 7:31:26 AM PDT
("Every nation gets the government it deserves." -Joseph de Maistre)
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
The woman, identified as Veronica, told the newspaper El Sol de Tijuana that the man had blue eyes, blonde hair, and didnt speak Spanish well. Oh, he wasn't carrying a surfboard and BayWatch buoy...?
A LIKELY story, uh-huh.
posted on
03/23/2019 7:32:51 AM PDT
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
They are clever enough that they could steal your shoes while you are walking and you wouldn’t notice until you got home.
posted on
03/23/2019 7:34:20 AM PDT
(invictus maneo)
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
Mexicans steal everything. If you have two of something, they feel entitled to steal the “extra one” you have. A Texas First Grader learns that when stuff disappears from their desk or back pack. It’s one of the more valuable things they learn at school.
posted on
03/23/2019 7:42:12 AM PDT
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
Is this supposed to be funny to the Huffington Post? They are writing this story simply to make fun of Trump. Meanwhile, people are being killed, children (in the hands of illegals) are getting sexually abused and trafficked, and drugs continue to pour over the border.
The border needs to be militarized. Then a concrete and steel wall should be built. Not a fence, barb wire, or steel grates - a 60-ft high concrete and steel barrier with armed gunships every 100 feet from each other.
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
Land mines on our side of the border would help.
posted on
03/23/2019 7:44:28 AM PDT
To: txrefugee
UAV patrols should deal with the invasion.
To: txrefugee
It will help when we finally admit that messyco is out enemy and has been invading us for fifty years. It will help when we remove a treasonous Congress and get men .. MEN! .. with backbone who are determined to do their job.
posted on
03/23/2019 7:56:06 AM PDT
(Socialism is the logical conclusion of liberalism. Anarchy is the logical conclusion of socialism.)
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
When we had a maquilla plant in Juarez-ElPaso in the 90s, they would jump onto the back of the box truck and throw out the empty cardboard boxes that were being transported to the factory to package products in. Flat sheets of cardboard!
Otherwise known as “siding” in Juarez.
posted on
03/23/2019 8:02:06 AM PDT
(Trust Trump. Trust the Plan.)
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
Huffington is happy Mexicans are showing up our country... that really tells a person all they need to know about liberals.
posted on
03/23/2019 8:03:08 AM PDT
( Bernie wants CommieCare... period.)
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
We can’t protect the border. And we can’t even protect the border barriers. Pathetic.
posted on
03/23/2019 8:07:38 AM PDT
Leaning Right
(I have already previewed or do not wish to preview this composition.)
To: Extremely Extreme Extremist
I don’t see ANY humor in this and Huffpo can go FOAD.
posted on
03/23/2019 8:15:22 AM PDT
(...To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.-S.Adams)
To: All
2 whole dollars? Maybe they should buy the wire from Mexico lol
That blue eyed blonde haired man has to live in Mexico for that to even make sense.
posted on
03/23/2019 8:21:19 AM PDT
To: txrefugee
Mexicans steal everything. If you have two of something, they feel entitled to steal the extra one you have. A Texas First Grader learns that when stuff disappears from their desk or back pack. Its one of the more valuable things they learn at school. No wonder the Democrats want open borders and lax voter I.D. laws; Mexicans are redistributionists from birth.
posted on
03/23/2019 8:21:57 AM PDT
Charles Martel
(Progressives are the crab grass in the lawn of life.)
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; All
Today’s so called democrats insist Americans must allow illegals storm in here by the hundreds of thousands despite their cost to us of billion$ in tax dollars,which is never enough. Tax money that should be going to our citizens for their sustenance,health,education,and housing even infastructure needs. But Americans must do the tax flagelation punushment because we’re the very rich United States and must divert those billion$ to fill the needs of those poor illegals plus give them the right to vote. Sustained by our tax money which our chuldren’s children if not aborted will be paying for.
What never gets mentioned in all of this is the lacking reciprocal treatment. If we applied that policy Because when an American citizen ever tries getting any of those handouts including voting when going to where the great undocumented come from That would never happen. Would this continue ?
posted on
03/23/2019 8:29:17 AM PDT
(mosesdapoet aka L,J,Keslin posting here for the record)
To: Beautiful_Gracious_Skies
Concertina wire is a decent enough conductor. Just add electricity.
posted on
03/23/2019 8:44:38 AM PDT
(Reasoning with a liberal is like watering a rock in the hope to grow a building.)
To: txrefugee
True they won’t steal anything they can’t drag carry or pull.
posted on
03/23/2019 8:53:07 AM PDT
(women and children to be impacIQ of chimpsted the most.)
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