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Prostitution Should Stay Illegal Because Consent Is A Garbage Minimum Standard For Goodness
The Federalist ^
| March 22, 2019
| Nathan Stone
Posted on 03/22/2019 7:12:15 AM PDT by Tolerance Sucks Rocks
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To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Prostitution will stay illegal because politicians cannot tolerate the competition.
posted on
03/22/2019 7:18:35 AM PDT
(If the left is not screaming, you are doing it wrong.)
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Not only should prostitution be legal it should be free. “Free” would cut down on human smuggling as no money to be made from it. Pimps would be out of work. The guberment could build nice motel like buildings with free health care for the girls, a nice kitchen setup for them and a lounge. Viagra dispensers in the restorooms anda free clinic for testosterone shots.
Just think of the hospital costs it would save for older men with prostate problems.
posted on
03/22/2019 7:20:50 AM PDT
(Heavily Medicated for your Protection.)
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
So, because legalizing prostitution does not reduce human trafficking, it should not be done?
Bad logic.
posted on
03/22/2019 7:23:44 AM PDT
Erik Latranyi
(The Democratic Party is now a hate-mob)
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
“Goodness” isn’t a criteria for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
posted on
03/22/2019 7:24:58 AM PDT
(Trust Trump. Trust the Plan.)
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
What’s the “Nordic model?”
posted on
03/22/2019 7:27:30 AM PDT
(The left would kill every single one of us and our families if they knew they could get away with it)
To: bigbob
Well said.
I support the legalization of prostitution.
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
"consent" is NOT "consent" when its under threat from a pimp or drug dealer.
Its slavery.
posted on
03/22/2019 7:28:45 AM PDT
G Larry
(There is no great virtue in bargaining with the Devil)
To: oldasrocks
You pretend the girls are in it because they love sex.
That would be very rare.
posted on
03/22/2019 7:30:03 AM PDT
G Larry
(There is no great virtue in bargaining with the Devil)
To: oldasrocks
posted on
03/22/2019 7:30:22 AM PDT
(We are conservatives. Not libertarians, not "fiscal conservatives", not moderates)
To: wastedyears
"What's the Nordic model?
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
The trafficking of certain drugs is illegal because it is considered a threat to society in general. That should be the criterion for prostitution.
I’d hate for my daughters to become prostitutes but that’s not a reason to make it illegal.
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Kamala Harris had 2 career choices ,Prostitute or Politian so she decided to blend them together
To: frogjerk
The same way that health care could be "Free."
The government should pay a prostitute $100 for every "trick" they turn. The "Johns" wouldn't have to pay anything - therefore "Free Sex."
Free access to sex is a fundamental human right, and cannot be denied.
posted on
03/22/2019 7:52:45 AM PDT
( is the /sarc tag really necessary?)
To: Nateman
Prostitution will stay illegal because
politicians feminists cannot tolerate the competition.
And, like Charlie Sheen says, "You aren't paying for sex, you are paying them to leave."
posted on
03/22/2019 7:55:40 AM PDT
(Sent from a payphone in a whorehouse in Mexico)
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Consenting adults means nothing
Same sex sodomy was sold as the activities between consenting adults in private.
Today we have convicted child molesters dressed in drag reading to primary grade children in public libraries.
The Left does not believe in the age of consent. NOW founder Kate Millett advocated for sex between adult women and under aged girls.
It’s like how Bozo O’Rourke is still calling it “a woman’s body” when a baby is born alive and being snuffed out. Not connected to her body in any way at that point.
Simple lies told to sell great horror.
posted on
03/22/2019 7:59:09 AM PDT
a fool in paradise
(Denounce DUAC - The Democrats Un-American Activists Committee)
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Well, she’d have to say that to protect he so-called “integrity”, of which she has none.
posted on
03/22/2019 8:04:34 AM PDT
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
decriminalizing prostitution does not bring about the promised results, New Zealand being the latest country to discover that human trafficking and exploitation do not decrease if prostitution is decriminalized.New Zealand is doing it wrong - from the link's link: "for every licensed brothel there are, on average, four times the number that operate illegally." This is not the case in e.g. Nevada.
Decriminalizing prostitution would empower licentiousness, not liberty, because, seeing people as potential sex objects encourages people to loosen their self-control. [...] With that mentality, individuals would become enslaved to their passions, as weve already seen with the obesity problem
Right-statists always end up proving too much - by the article's logic we should have a Diet Police.
posted on
03/22/2019 8:45:28 AM PDT
("law is often but the tyrant's will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual")
To: wastedyears
Not sure, but it probably doesn’t include the Swedish Bikini Team coming to give you a rubdown in the sauna.
To: Tolerance Sucks Rocks
We should keep prostitution illegal and perfect and promote the alternative to prostitution. Sex Robots.
- We should give at least 4 robots to every elected official. This will help prevent corruption, scandals, sex based bribery and national embarrassment.
- We should give robots to criminals (but I repeat myself). See if meeting this basic need tones down criminal impulses and makes them more docile and easier to control in prison.
- We should definitely give them to Pelosi (Again I repeat myself see #1 and #2, and because dang, something's wrong with her.
- We could even have botbrothels that operate on a rent to own basis. You're assigned your own bot for hygenic reasons, and once you've rented it enough times it becomes yours.
- You could used them as incentives to get welfare recipients to work.
Just thinking outside the box, so to speak.
Unintended consequences? Sure, our population could be decimated. The AI's may eventually rule. We might have to pay women to bear children. Lots of ways this could go wrong.
posted on
03/22/2019 8:53:29 AM PDT
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