Posted on 03/07/2019 5:14:35 AM PST by central_va
thank you
I honestly don’t care about business profits.
Businesses need to be made to work for America, rather than America existing as a cheap labour haven for businesses.
If we lose on immigration we will lose the nation.
There is a lot of political posturing, wobbly responses, faints really, but end of day the reality by most reports is that something like 99% of the people managing to get across the border get to stay, get work permits, get public welfare and assistance.
And what about those 30-60 million illegal aliens in the US? I think eVerify will be a great start, but even so, there needs to be concerted ACTION to round up and deport illegal aliens. Put a bounty on them, outsource it. Yes, issue warrants for each, with bounties. If not, why not?
We don’t want legal immigrants either, not under these ridiculous laws that let in millions of H1-B workers to depress US wage scales, importing a literal shithole culture that is deeply racist against Americans in the process.
Just as excessive offshore manufacturing hollowed out the knowledge and capability of American businesses in exchange for short-term profits, abuse of the H1B program hollows out the technical know-how of the native citizenry.
H1B is ok in concept--that is, that you bring in high-level talent that is hard to find or unavailable at home. In practice, the H1B salary is set rather low in light of the fact that H1B workers are trapped in their jobs for several years (four I think?) until they can get a green card. During that time, an employer can work them for 75 or 80 hours a week.
An American graduate student entering the workforce, perhaps loaded with debt, has to compete in that environment, often with managers above him who are more sympathetic to their Indian or Chinese compatriots. It's a block to entry.
After several years of experience, that block is no longer there, because experienced STEM people get paid better than the H1B wage, which is set around the entry graduate wage.
Call the President 9-4 EST
Comments: 202-456-1111
For later
I believe the way Obama phrased that sentiment was; "You didn't build that"
WHAT HAPPENED to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN??? FOOK the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, FOOK the George W. Bush Center, FOOK any number of libertarian organizations funded by the pro-mass immigration billionaire Koch brothers. .....and FOOK the HORSE on which they rode. 265 Reply Share Avatar I spread lies ✦ Björn Free ✦ 13 hours ago There are enough people in America as it is. And many of them can't find work. 212 Reply Share Avatar ricocat1 I spread lies 13 hours ago IF President Trump wants a second term he must put AMERICANS FIRST! 226 Reply Share Avatar Thunderbird ricocat1 13 hours ago Folks, I knew this was coming back in December (when Kushner was put on the negotiating team instead of Miller). I'm surprised more people didn't see it. Little will change until Ivanka, Kushner, Mulvaney and DeStefano leave the administration or are fired. Bannon was the base voice. 114 Reply Share Avatar A Patriot Thunderbird 13 hours ago We need more immigrants as much as a person with diarrhea needs a laxative!!! 107 Reply Share Avatar Rhett A Patriot 13 hours ago He spent two hours speaking at CPAC just the other day, he spent his Christmas vacation fighting the entire Establishment to get the Wall, he has Venezuela, NOKO, China, Russia, the ME and the invasion at the Southern border all the while fighting off the Deep State, all because the globalists hate him for setting back Obama and Hillary's transformation. He has been stabbed in the back by Paul Ryan and the never Trumpers too many times to count. No I am not ready to jump ship, but he can slam the door on the border crossers and just like Andrew Jackson ignore activist Judges at time of emergency to end the invasion. 71 Reply Share Avatar Jay Rhett 12 hours ago It doesn't matter if you vote R or D. Both parties want never ending immigration. The Rs just want to replace us legally. 75 Reply Share Avatar Mikey D'Rookie Jay 12 hours ago THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE PARTIES....its US against them. 62 Reply Share Avatar Dysmas Mikey D'Rookie 12 hours ago Exactly! We have been sold out. 42 Reply Share Avatar Paladin_07 Dysmas 11 hours ago A couple of points need to be considered. First, until we build the wall, any debate about legal immigration levels is completely moot. That's the point. We haven't had any substantive debate about it because no matter what the people want, open borders mean immigrants are coming. Second, not all immigrants are equal. If we can control legal immigration to avoid any single group being dominant (e.g. if we need to make Spanish a second language, we're doing something wrong), and we can avoid favoring immigrants who will be dependent on government for generations and who will therefore favor Democrats, that isn't necessarily a problem. But it all starts with building a wall. Wherever Trump falls on the question of legal immigration, if he gets the wall built so that it actually matters what we the people want in terms of legal immigration, he's done a great service to this country. Also, and this is important, AMNESTY ISN'T LEGAL IMMIGRATION! We cannot reward those who have ignored our laws. Any legal immigration needs to be controlled immigration, not a jackpot for millions of people who came here in hopes of one day winning that very jackpot. Rewarding bad behavior only encourages more of it. 20 Reply Share Avatar Robert Garretson Paladin_07 9 hours ago Kushner and everyone negotiating amnesty first polices in this WH are SCUM. Send Kushner to jail just like his democrat father Charles Kushner if we need to, replace him with a true patriot like Stephen Miller. Why is the kid cuck running our immigration policy???? 15 Reply Share Avatar esterbetheone Robert Garretson 7 hours ago No mention of Trump in any of this? It is all Kushner's fault? 2 Reply Share Avatar Al Hope esterbetheone 6 hours ago We are primarying Immivasion Zombie Don. No Immivasion Shills! ~ ex-Trumpets 1 Reply Share Avatar WhyamInotsuprised Robert Garretson 8 hours ago Miller is a Nazi 2 Reply Share Avatar Cincinnatus WhyamInotsuprised 3 hours ago A Jewish nazi. Interesting 2 Reply Share Avatar Patrick Henry WhyamInotsuprised an hour ago And you'd still rather watch your children get raped than be a nazi, huh? Reply Share Avatar deploritarian Patrick Henry an hour ago False dichotomy. We will call you, don't call us. Next! Reply Share Avatar Patrick Henry deploritarian 25 minutes ago Can't think a few steps ahead, huh? Ok, I'll clarify: how many names and labels can the left and the elite use to manipulate you? At what point will you care more about your family than their calls for obeisance? You act like a dog trained by being beaten: you bark and identify intruders only to be beaten for making any noise at all, yet you still do it for them every day. The words nazi, racist and sexist mean nothing. They are newspeak designed to restrict your speech, with definitions so nebulous that jesus christ would come up lacking. Time to grow up and stop caring about namecalling on the playground. Reply Share Avatar Disgusted Robert Garretson 5 hours ago I wonder how relevant these companies will be in 40 years. 1 Reply Share Avatar SC Patriot Disgusted an hour ago None will be in existence. We will be The New Mexico unfortunately. Poverdriven just as all the countries below us. Reply Share Avatar Scooter Carlson SC Patriot 14 minutes ago Thought there already was a state named that. Reply Share Avatar Cincinnatus Robert Garretson 3 hours ago Nepotism ! Reply Share Avatar tim2161 Paladin_07 3 hours ago You are pathetic....there will never be a wall. You got conned! 2 Reply Share Avatar SC Patriot tim2161 an hour ago I wouldn't be too happy about it if I were you. It will affect us ALL. Reply Share Avatar Al Hope Paladin_07 6 hours ago Boring! Demand Zero Legal Immigration! 1 Reply Share Avatar ajc Paladin_07 2 hours ago Due to easy divorce, abortion, alphabet sexuality, greenies and now birth strikers, we are not creating growing population in this country. In fact we are one sixth low. How many couples here are having four plus kids to combat that nonsense? Reply Share Avatar Patrick Henry ajc 23 minutes ago There is a simple way to rid yourself of all that: repeal the 19th. Reply Share Avatar Individual1 Dysmas 9 hours ago trump is just being trump, this is what he always does. The oddity is that people were ever willing to invest so heavily in the words of a compulsive liar... 10 Reply Share Avatar Patrick Henry Individual1 18 minutes ago They were cornered, and it was stupid, but no less stupid than an idiot who blindly takes the side of authority, smugly goads his opponents, completely unaware how hopelessly outnumbered he is.... And if you think minorities will fight with you, you will meet the same fate as frenchman did in haiti in 1804, or the minorities will run. Funny how when white men aren't around, they act tough, but I can see no black people in a ethnic majority city like Paris during Gilet jaunes. Reply Share Avatar lardheppus Dysmas 8 hours ago Sold out by Donny? Perish the thought. 4 Reply Share Avatar Al Hope lardheppus 6 hours ago We are ex-Trumpets. No Immivasion Shills! 1 Reply Share Avatar 1ProudPatriot Dysmas an hour ago FOX, Hannity, Rush, and Drudge are nothing but Trump shills (intentionally no longer fair and balanced). Its votes that ultimately put people in office, not money. Until the big platforms on the right demand and promote the party platform and Constitution, we will get this same result. Reply Share Avatar Integrity Mikey D'Rookie 9 hours ago All we do is elect a politician that carries out party dictates. They never have any intention on representing us! 11 Reply Share Avatar Individual1 Mikey D'Rookie 9 hours ago One difference is that trump seems to lie more than anyone else in government, and the republicans generally just go along with it... 6 Reply Share Avatar esterbetheone Individual1 7 hours ago They are not lies. They are alternate covfefe facts. Reply Share Avatar Rexd63 Mikey D'Rookie 3 hours ago Its time to end the tyrannical grip around our throats. 2 Reply Share Avatar Dan Foster Rexd63 2 hours ago Heartland Independent Party for the Trump platform long forgotten. Reply Share Avatar Dan Foster Mikey D'Rookie 2 hours ago It's the Heartland Independent Party against the Corporation rule. For the real Trump platform, long forgotten. Reply Share Avatar Rhett Jay 12 hours ago A lot of this is because even big tech companies are realizing that computer geeks educated at many US colleges are also annoying SJW's. People from India want to work and not spend their time in the cubicle logging onto buzzfeed with TDS symptoms instead of their jobs. I blame our indoctrinated academia and teachers for ruining the millennial generation. 26 Reply Share Avatar Jay Rhett 12 hours ago Millennials are useless, no argument there but importing mass numbers of 3rd world workers isn't going to end well. We're going to see a lot more Omars and Cortezes getting elected to Congress. How does President Kamala Harris sound to you? That's where we're headed. Once Texas turns blue it's over at the voting booth. 41 Reply Share Avatar Garland Remington Jay 12 hours ago Look at North Carolina now and Florida. The 1965 change in our immigration laws was the mortal missile that started sinking us. 31 Reply Share Avatar fugitive cities Garland Remington 11 hours ago Russia, North Korea, China and Iran can now just sit back and cheer as Washington DC destroys it's own country. 34 Reply Share Avatar thaipbs fugitive cities 10 hours ago China is very aware of genetic differences in IQ, theyre counting down the clock watching America weaken as a nation by importing lower IQ masses primarily from Latin America. No Latin American country has an average IQ above 90. 18 Reply Share Avatar WhyamInotsuprised thaipbs 8 hours ago China is in it for the long game......the US, not so much. 5 Reply Share Avatar Johnny Mac thaipbs 9 hours ago Since Trump said he loves the poorly educated....the immigrants will be his natural voters. 4 Reply Share Avatar Dan Foster Johnny Mac 2 hours ago Heartland Independent Party. We love Herb Albert and the Tijuana Brass. Reply Share Avatar Garland Remington thaipbs 9 hours ago Correct you are 2 Reply Share Avatar Shammyh thaipbs 7 hours ago Factually incorrect. It's been tested. All races revert to the mean intelligence when cultural and economic differences are accounted for. 2 Reply Share − Avatar thaipbs Shammyh 5 hours ago Different gene pools have different mean scores. Reverting to the mean will vary among groups. #Genetics 1 Reply Share Avatar loveagysgt Shammyh 7 hours ago That is just manipulating numbers. In the real world an 80 is still an 80 because cultural and economics do not really change for most of the world's population.
I am repeatedly surprised with the number of people on FR (and elsewhere) that cannot fathom sharing criticism. They demand intolerance, through insults around instead of engaging in meaningful conversation.
Here for example, do you personally think expanding immigration is best course of action? If so, please thoughtfully defend that, explain why.
Policy wise he’s still working hard to choke off US economic activity, don’t worry.
Um no we don't.
The U.S. population has ballooned from 150 million in the 50s to 350 million today, and the vast majority of that growth is from immigration.
We now have the 3rd largest population in the world after China and India.
Based on supply and demand what would happen to wages when the wall is built and 20 million illegals can’t work?
Ever hear of a little thing called “the baby boom”?
Don’t be a dummy this is about the best white collar and skilled blue collar jobs in the USA. This isn’t about stoop labor. It’s about suppressing wages of college and tech school graduates. Your children and grandchildren future being sold out.
You mean how many people are working when you factor in the ENTIRE POPULATION? Including those in prison, children the elderly and the sick?
In truth, a key person can increase the income of many people, but we have little real need for outsiders. I have had my wages hurt by illegals on the farm and, much more so, hurt by H1-B workers in my field, so I am not saying this lightly.
An H1-B program, should it continue, should require such worker to receive 50% over the prevailing wage. I can see Trump saying expand the numbers and putting in some requirement like the 50% thing at the same time.
That will assure no H1-Bs are ever hired unless they are GREATLY needed.
Stand down on your concern
In a search to get the real news, I had to plow past 2 pages of ‘Tim Apple’ nonsense to find what really went on at the President’s meeting with the Apple CE0.
Here is objective real reporting:
Tim Cook has done a great job indeed and importantly he has started and called out for more coders.
What we have is a pool of deranged, backtalking, sass-filled ‘reporters’ who are paid by organizations to act and look like the idiots they are.
Gannet just last month laid off these smart*sses and told them “learn to code”.
American labor needs to shift these loudmouths out of ‘journalism’ and into something more productive that benefits society at large.
Increase the numbers, but require a 50% wage premium for all such positions.
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