And, if he were able to rid the State Dept of the radical liberal infestation, that has been in place for decades, and replaced it with people that actually love America and all that it stands for, imagine the work he’d do. Most folks have no idea just how insanely, radically Left that agency is and they’d probably be sick to find out just how bad it is. I’ve seen them in action and overheard their conversations. I’d say, 95% or more, of the State Dept does not have the best interest of America or it’s citizens in mind.
As a friend of mine, who works there, has stated...They weren’t aware they were working for a wing of the Democratic Party when they took the job.
“95% or more, of the State Dept does not have the best interest of America or its citizens in mind.”
It’s like that in most government agencies.... Even at the state level, and in blue states it’s at the local level.
The 5% who actually do their jobs, and look out for our best interests actually do stop some of the insanity. I think of them as the proverbial Dutch Boy plugging leaks in the dike with their fingers.