Posted on 02/16/2019 9:02:57 PM PST by Tolerance Sucks Rocks
Under Obama $1.25 trillion of additional debt was accumulated each year.
Under Trump $1.0 trillion of additional debt has been accumulated.
If my prediction holds true, the deficit spending will drop below $1.0 trillion this fiscal year.
Trump’s economy is slaying it. Last month alone over 300,000 new workers joined the tax (payer’s) force, and the businesses hiring them will be paying more for each one of them too.
Federal tax receipts are going to skyrocket.
In before the Rand Paul haters.
They certainly represent a tiny minority.
And then Congress will spend even more
$22 trillion will never be paid back or cut,it’s all funny money.
I wouldn’t doubt it.
It’s a rigged game isn’t it.
He’s doing his part. Lets hope he can old the line and get credit for it.
$22 trillion will never be paid back or cut,its all funny money.
It might be paid, but won’t buy much.
Let fedzilla go bankrupt
Yeah right
MAR 26, 2018 - Kentucky is Second Most Dependent State on Federal Money
2018s Most Federally Dependent States
Under Reagan federal tax receipts tripled.
Under Trump, I hope to see the same sort of thing.
Hopefully, spending will be addressed.
He’s had a full plate, and he’s only two years in. We’ll see.
Last year the federal government took in more tax receipts than it ever has before. That in the first year of the tax cuts.
It was supposed to be a loss leader. It set a record in the other direction.
T&he problem is unless dems get everything they want they will shut the government down and trump will get the blame. Cutting the budget is nearly impossible because of this.
I think the reason that Republicans raise the debt is that they fear the press above all else, and the press condemns any decreases in the increase of spending as “cuts” which will harm women and children and grandma, and the Republicans cave.
If our massive debt is such a problem, then why have interest rates on U.S. Treasury debt been DECLINING as the Fed has been unwinding the quantitative easing (QE) and selling off its holdings of Treasury securities?
In addition, the massive influx of illegal aliens have had significant impact on spending. Government assisted housing expenses, aid to dependent families, food stamps, free health care, schooling expenses, the list is endless, and has ballooned the national debt.
In Trumps case, you really do have to spend money to save money.
Building the wall, and deporting illegals that will then not be able to just walk back into our country, saves money from every one leaving.
Ending chain migration, and returning illegals to their country of origin is another, ending benefits for illegals will also prompt them to go home.
Side benefits of the wall will be a lessening of drugs flowing into the country, untreated illnesses that had all but been wiped out in our nation will be lessened, saving medical costs, crime will be lessened against our legal citizens, the cost of incarceration of illegals will be lessened, the list goes on and on, but the demarcation point is a completed wall and toughened border security.
Will people still find their way in? Yes, but in much smaller numbers. Lets not forget that we will be strengthening border security personnel, which can handle much of this, and other agencies, the other.
100 percent? No, not yet, but I would bet, better each year.
The cost of the wall is pennies compared the the monies it will save America over the long run.
You see...The Wall is working already, where built, and will work exponentially, when completed.
By that time, it will be ALL the Democrats idea all along, and they will take credit for everything.
Wait and see.
The sky is falling, the sky is falling. I’ve been hearing this for most of my life. Still waiting.
I agree with your thoughts there.
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