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To: ScottinVA
When one side essentially criminalizes the other side, which is where this has been heading since Trump was elected, the result is always ... ALWAYS ... the same. The winner will not risk their power by just warning the other side, they will arrest, imprison, and murder on a grand scale. The Romans did it. The Greeks did it. The communists all did it. Hitler did it. Keep going through history, you'll see it repeated over and over and over.

To those who said all my life "it can't happen here", they were wrong. It can, it likely will. I had hoped it would be long after I and my child were both long gone, but it feels like the left wants to make a decisive stand, they take over and start the gulags going, or they are destroyed. And right now it feels like they are winning.

7 posted on 12/19/2018 11:28:35 AM PST by pepsi_junkie (Often wrong, but never in doubt!)
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To: pepsi_junkie

Exactly. Measure this:

Christopher Steele is a British National yes?

Who is leading the Special Council investigating British Interference in the 2016 election?

How many Russian Nations illegally voted in our election? How many Mexican Nationals illegally voted in our election?

Who is leading the Special Council investigating Mexican Interference in the 2016 election?

12 posted on 12/19/2018 12:02:08 PM PST by The Toll
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