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'Some' interesting points.
1 posted on 12/19/2018 10:18:06 AM PST by rktman
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To: rktman

If Trump is defeated in 2020, the dem who wins will make Obama look like Reagan by comparison. That party’s shift to the left is unprecedented.

2 posted on 12/19/2018 10:26:48 AM PST by ScottinVA (The most urgent gathering threat to America: the Democrat Party.)
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By saying “left-wing authoritarianism”, the author implies that some kind of “right-wing authoritarianism” exists or can exist. Not possible in a US context.

3 posted on 12/19/2018 10:37:37 AM PST by Olog-hai ("No Republican, no matter how liberal, is going to woo a Democratic vote." -- Ronald Reagan, 1960)
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To: rktman
If a person can manage to stay detached from personal feelings, one cannot help but note that the most rigid thinking these days is espoused by the so-called Liberals of our country. But then, the "Liberal" label has been nothing more than a disguise for several decades. The hate of the statists among us has gotten way out of hand, and has been encouraged by the lack of a crackdown on Antifa rioters and others of that ilk.

Recommended reading: Pendulum: How Past Generations Shape Our Present and Predict Our Future

5 posted on 12/19/2018 10:44:28 AM PST by Pecos (These are the times that try menÂ’s souls)
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To: rktman


8 posted on 12/19/2018 11:54:38 AM PST by Sergio (An object at rest cannot be stopped! - The Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight)
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To: rktman

“No different than the Crusaders who marched across Europe massacring for two centuries in the name of their beliefs,”

Here the writer jumped the shark.

The Crusaders were NOT marching through Europe.

They were marching to the Near East.

And the Crusades happened against the backdrop of centuries of unprovoked Muslim aggression that was ongoing.

The Crusades were as a response to Islam entirely justified.

After the Crusades the Muslim heathens renewed their aggression, and indeed they never stopped elsewhere.

The battles waged by the Crusaders were few, those launched by Islam were many, in the hundreds, and they continue till this very day.

Maybe the writer was careless and meant to speak of the Inquisition, but his words that he actually wrote were simply wrong.

Just as, while we’re at it, his notion that Leftists are non-conformists ... they are the ultimate conformists, they are so self-proclaimed unique that you can hardly tell them apart. Their “non-conformity” is a self-serving myth, all they do is ape those who may have once been non-conformists, if even that. Fear of being different in any matter of ideology is rampant.

Likewise, to further criticize the writer’s missteps, there was little of traditional middle classed values in Nazism that wasn’t twisted into a mockery of those values. Nazism held more in common with the French Terrors and it took all their neopagan anti-Christian racist bullshit to make them as bad as Marxists can and have got without the help. And they weren’t fascist (which is bad enough), they were socialist (which is worse). The Italians were fascist, the Spanish were fascist, and they were NOT Nazis.

9 posted on 12/19/2018 11:55:19 AM PST by Rurudyne (Standup Philosopher)
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