Posted on 09/13/2018 6:26:39 PM PDT by Mariner
The alignment is close and Paul was never really a Libertarian.
"Constitutional Conservative", the moniker he gave himself, is the more appropriate characterization.
He's the front runner for the future. Or, I do hope he is.
Complete and utter garbage. It would actually make garbage itself edible.
Trust Rand at your own risk.
Rand Paul is probably my favorite person in the U.S. Senate right now.
The only Senator who is allying with Trump it seems.
The Pauls were never full-out libertarians. Although Ron Paul ran for president in 1988 as a Libertarian, he endorsed the Constitution Party candidate in at least one subsequent election. I would call the Constitution Party paleoconservative.
Rand is less libertarian, by a shade, than his father was.
To call Jeff Flake a “libertarian” is a joke. I don’t think it really applies to Sasse either. Flake is just an Establishment RINO. Sasse is a conservative. Amash comes closest to meriting the libertarian label.
I do hope Rand Paul gets past gatekeepers such as Bolton and Fiona Hill. SOMEONE has to get through to President Trump.....he's being suckered in by the warmongers.
Rand Paul’s foreign policy is a heck of a lot better than John Bolton’s, but Trump is going for the NeoCon/Deep State foreign policy at the moment it appears.
He has certainly elevated his position in my eyes.
The man is ridiculed and persecuted consistently for standing his ground on principle against wrong on both sides.
Rand has a long way to go to win my trust. I’m not saying it can’t be done. At least he’s supporting the President unlike most of the elected GOP. He is awfully short for a contender. It shouldn’t matter, but it does.
Gonna have to give Justin a call...
Rand Paul has always been a foe of the Deep State.
That’s why he and President Trump are best buddies.
Their idea of liberty is you making $5 bucks an hour to support your family.
“The man is ridiculed and persecuted consistently for standing his ground on principle against wrong on both sides.”
Just like POTUS Trump.
Paul is more of a paleo conservative than he is libertarian. Just as Trump is.
The policy distance between he and Trump is too small to measure.
Ben Sasse is NOT a libertarian. He is a RINO. Ok, maybe a bit better than a RINO but certainly not a libertarian.
I always felt like in 2016 he was trying to be somebody he wasn’t to try to win favor with the establishment. I kept waiting on him to take the strong position on the border, and he never did. I think he learned a lesson. I want very much for Rand Paul to be the guy. He could use some support. The GOP is awful. With friends like them, Trump doesn’t need enemies.
Of the current Senators he is one of the few I would like to see run after Trump’s two terms.
Rand Paul and Tom Cotton maybe.
LOL. You can't make this stuff up. These reporters must be on drugs. Unbelievable!
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