A liberals response regarding your vignette would be to accuse the elderly women of being homophobes for not joining the the migrants on the other benches. So get ready for that....(Ive read so many liberal tweets I know how they think now.)
Il papa hopes to be eaten last...
Wait till Muslims start destroying said statues and antiquities. Major museums will be a target.
This self extinction is a result of the high taxes of socialism, the leftist culture of death, and loss of Christianity.
They get plenty of North Africans coming in. But they bottle them up and vet them extremely in Calabria. Still, if you go to Milano, you will see plenty.
Europe is lost. In 30 years, much of it will probably look like any craphole city in the middle east, and be just as dangerous to visit.
I work with a guy who’s father immegrated from Italy. He went through the process to obtain citizenship for himself, his wife and two kids. It’s pretty complicated and time consuming process, he had to get his and his wife’s criminal records (they had none) sent to the Italian consulate and he had to travel twice to the consulate 150 miles away in NYC.
His father still has a small house in Italy and his father’s hope is that the two sons will someday keep it in the family, share it.
So anyway, this guy is wildly leftist and use to brag often that socialism in Italy was his backup plan.
He use to vacation in Italy for 2-3 weeks every year, but this is the first year we hasn’t. He won’t admit why he’s not going. He’d sooner sacrifice the house, his heritage and all the work getting citizenship than admit why.
As Limbaugh says: “Liberals are liberals first”.
In dealing with Muslim murderers and invaders, Italy needs more Tony Sopranos.
I have family in Italy you say that the majority of Muslims are peaceful. They are fed that line from the government. Italy might not have had any major terrorist attack - yet but cant they see the pattern in the rest of the world? Or just right across their borders?