Posted on 07/03/2017 3:10:07 PM PDT by E. Pluribus Unum
For now. Soon to be overruled.
So an executive order cannot be undone by the new executive?
Just like with the terrorist ban ruings I wonder about jurisdiction (if any) for rulings such as this.
Suspend it anyway and let the the court enforce it. Time to call these jerks’ bluff.
So who elected these whackadoodles in the judiciary to become the executive and legislative branches of government?
It is a bureaucratic rule rather than EO. Process decision. Trump should issue EO suspending rule. That is legal.
Screw this court.
The rules are unilateral and NOT legislative law.
Inform industry that enforcement is suspended, as this court has no authority in the matter.
What the hell is this crap? If EPA can’t do it who the hell can? Obamas stink continues. Cowboys and judges?
in kingon
DenIb Qatlh
Denebian slime devil
Thou shalt not countermand Obamamessiah
Just like the Big O refused to enforce immigration law, Trump can refuse to enforce this rule.
Yep. Pull an Andrew Jackson on them.
Unfortunately the quislings in the RNC would join the howls from the DNC.
And there are a lot of quislings in the RNC.
Democrat judges make laws now, not Congress, and only democrat presidents can issue executive orders.
Haven’t you been watching CNN?
“The rules are unilateral and NOT legislative law.”
All the more reason to suspend ALL such “rules”. Either Congress actually writes them or they don’t happen.
How would any judge know if the emission rules of obama are enforced ? Do the court staffs visit well sites with monitoring equipment ? Just enforce these rules as obama had the BP enforce border incursion laws, ignore em.
Perhaps we should revoke the rule that says one should not read the article before posting ...
The War on Trump continues.
Ignore them.
If obama had the authority to put it in place, Trump has the authority to remove it.
These G**D*** judges are asking for trouble...
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