Posted on 01/13/2017 9:20:25 AM PST by ColdOne
Johnny, have you and the wench considered retiring to a nice ranch house on the Plain of Esdraelon Megiddo? Mighty peaceful there right now.
Yep...they can do it. But they risk being visited by more than enough nukes if they go too far.
GOD will not be mocked. Woe to JOHN KERRY, PRESIDENT OBAMA, and the UN.
‘Occupied Palestinian Territory’ my rear end! That land has been Israel’s since the Old Testament!
Let them try and lift a finger against God’s chosen people. Be awesome to watch!
Like the way they are going to create a Pali/Israeli peace plan without the Israelis. This really is a simple call for Trump. “We are recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capitol and we are defunding every country who believes otherwise.”
That alone can clear up a few hundred billion for America.
That ungodly crew waited until a week before the chief demon left office for this to happen. Boy talk about biting more than you can chew.
Who died and left us boss?? This is insane.
Trump is going to have a busy day on Friday undoing all the damage that Obama has done as he trashes the country on his way out.
If the Conference isn’t over by Thursday, then I expect Trump to call our delegates home immediately.
This krap never dies. It’s the good Lord’s way of letting people self- identify to be sent to Hell. Genesis 12:3
All this pandering to the end of the Obama regime is plainly ridiculous. He and his ilk are at an end in a week. Torturing this country with the crap all these news ghouls are positing is worthless. They are just living the last instances of a wet-dream in which they got lucky in their imaginations. Yet in the end all they’ll wake up is with wet jammies.
Trying to get another rabbit punch in before President Trump takes command and brings some sense and balance to US foreign relations.
Meanwhile, Barack Obama, John Kerry and other Government officials representing 7 billion people
are foaming at the mouth for one more chance to gang up on 6 million Israeli Jews !!!!!
You can’t fix stupid.
But you can double down on it and formalize it at a so-called peace conference.
Today marks 4366 days since 01/30/2005 when John Kerry promised, on national TV, to sign form SF-180 and release his military records.
Apparently Israel’s enemies haven’t learned a thing.
Even after being repeatedly b@tch-slapped at nearly every turn, they still bring it on using the same tired tactics.
Let’s get 72 people together to discuss how we’ll divide John Kerry’s $198.65 million, which he got by marrying Teresa Heinz Kerry. We have as much right to decide how to split his money as Kerry has to divide Israel.
Lets get 72 people together to discuss how well divide John Kerrys $198.65 million, which he got by marrying Teresa Heinz Kerry. We have as much right to decide how to split his money as Kerry has to divide Israel.
Israel’s response is a shake of the head, a sly grin and a tsk tsk tsk. The chickens will have trouble attacking the bull. When President Trump comes in there will be chicken stew.
These nitwits trying to be leaders are putting the people of our nation in jeopardy coming against the state of Israel. Click on the map for a visual perspective. God is in Charge. Israel is His Land. . .the World is His. God made a land covenant with Abraham (much more land than now) and God doesn’t go back on His promises. Woe to those who think, speak and act against Israel.
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