Posted on 12/27/2016 12:23:49 PM PST by jazusamo
Let us HOPE it is the crowning glory and he doesn’t have something “even more crowning” coming before inauguration day.
Her plans for post Jan 20?
Don’t the muzzies have enough room to live in Saudi Arabia and other muzzie places. What the hell is their interest in Jerusalem? Can anyone answer that?
All the UN does is invite Hitler’s axis to gain world
recognition instead of isolation
Seems like ValJar has been keeping a low profile of late.
Wishful thinking but it’d be great if she’d move to Iran.
What is ValJar up to these days?
Still delivering Muslim Brotherhood’s instructions to Obama.
I keep asking, “What would he do differently if he were a Muslim? No much that I can see.
The Islamic goal is the same since the 7th Century when they captured Medina . = World wide Caliphate
Off the Wall Ping!
Contact to be added.
“What the hell is their interest in Jerusalem?”
None. However, Islam as a whole has an interest in Jerusalem as their conquest of Israel once Israel is destroyed will be marked with a Mosque. The Arab world has no interest in the Palestinians. They are pawns just like minorities are pawns of the Democrat party.
This is about territorial conquest, nothing more, nothing less. It would be the same thing if after 9/11, the Saudi’s built a Mosque at ground zero. (Oh wait, they almost did thanks to the left)
Notice Iran keeps saying it will nuke Israel and yet the Palestinians aren’t up in arms about being destroyed by nuclear war? Do they really think they will be spared? Maybe someone should ask the Hamas and Hezbollah what they think about being destroyed by an Iranian nuke.
Obama may not be a practicing muslim but he never misses a chance to make a decision in favor of Islam. He has a long track record if these decisions. He has NEVER missed an opportunity to help Islam and decide against the Jews,Christians, and Catholics.
It must be noted that all of these pro Islam decisions have been enacted via EO's or by directing the US UN rep to push forward anti American and anti Christian pro Islamic views and programs. Obama has circumvented congress because he knows they will never support his pro Islamic decisions. This is just the last of many decisions that prove his Islamic bias.
Trump will have a good time reversing this consistent treasonous activity from the white house.
Muslims hate Israel most of all, America is next on the hate list.
Yes they have plenty enough room, their hang up is they want all Jews dead and gone. Whether they know it or not in the future Israel will have its complete borders which will make it quite larger than they are now. The deed HE gave them is not whole at this time, but it will be. A reckoning is coming, I hope and pray we don’t suffer but only the ones who brought this to past.
That’s what moslems do.
I figure she musta gone to Hawaii.
Of course if they take their Nobel Science Prizes with them the Muzzies will win in their effort to return to the 7th Century A.D.
Heaven help us all....
They seem to foul their own nests, wherever they go. This is why they are currently invading Europe. Big Mo started it as a conquest philosophy, and it remains to.
“decide against the Jews,Christians, and Catholics.” , Hindus, Zoroastrians, Budda, and all other organized, real religions.
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