Posted on 11/14/2016 6:47:30 AM PST by rktman
1. Define the correct temperature range for the planet.
2. Define the correct humidity range for the planet.
3. Define the correct mean sea level for the planet.
4. Define the correct amount of precipitation for the planet.
5. Define the correct makeup of the atmosphere.
6. Define the correct amount of sea ice at the N/S poles.
7. Define/explain past glaciation and subsequent warming without any input from humans.
Was it ever ratified by the US Senate?
If not, how is it a treaty?
That or just tell the UN to go #### themselves.
We dont need to prove anything.
It was never more than a way to take 10s of billions from the US and give it to the UN and 3rd world countries.
We spend a fortune till 2025 and THEN China has to start spending :)
What a deal!!!
Just say no. Nothing more is needed.
Good Start
I’ll bet 0bama told the global warming charlatans that he didn’t need Senate approval of his “agreement.” He promised them he was going to implement it unilaterally by executive fiat, and that his successor, Hillary Clinton, would honor it.
Trump doesn’t have to honor anything. If these international diplomats have a rudimentary understanding of international law, they know that the United States cannot be bound by any international agreement unless it is ratified by the United States Senate. No ratification, no treaty.
The article talks about Trump having options. Pretty clear to me that there is ONE option. President Trump will declare the agreement void as having never been ratified by the Senate, he will rescind any executive order implementing it, and there is not one damn thing the other signatories can do about it.
Or he can send it up to the Senate and let them take the responsibility of rejecting it
I think Clinton’s Kyoto “Accord” was defeated 98 - 1
Trump not even a week as "President Elect"
and we have:
1. Going to stop funding UN climate change and send the $3 billion to the US states to fix their own water and air issues
2. Defund the EPA
3. Designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization
We just may get tired of winning...nah
Trump not even "President Elect" a whole week yet.
Is there an Obamacare code for "excessive winning syndrome"
I know there is one for "bit by a moose"
"stunned by beber"
"struck by a low flying pig"
He could do that, too. Wouldn’t require much effort; the Senate could reject it in the time it takes to declare today “National Sauerkraut Day.” And the international legal status of the United States is unambiguous.
The Senate never APPROVED it so Just declare it NULL & VOID for us.
“get us the hell out of there”!
BBC just said 2016 will be the warmest year EVER(LOL) and is very close to the limit set by the Paris bull , I think they will try something stupid
Let us not be distracted by all the fireworks and protesters that the global warming con job walks hand in hand with the so-called Agenda 21 wgich have already growb roots in the morass of public policy and corruption
If the EU wants to do something stupid, like continued de-industrialization, let them. The Indians and Chinese never had any intention of abiding by this agreement. So why should we?
OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! We are all going to burn up in a YUUUUUUUUUUUGE! climate change. Let’s develop LNG facilities. We want LNGJOBS!, LNGJOBS!, LNGJOBS!, LNGJOBS! and REFINERIES!, REFINERIES!, REFINERIES! and moh horizontal drilling!
Bless DJT.
Trump just told Obama
Obama looses control of sphincter.
Great..... “man caused” Climate Change and Common Core Education....... two piles of absolute BullSh&t!
Senate ratification is always what I want to know about, and which never gets addressed by the media.
yes, we know Obama and his team did that deal with Iran. But why was it never ratified by the Senate? Why were we told it didn’t require Senate ratification to be in effect?
Ditto with this climate agreement. Recently the media reported that enough countries had agreed to it that it was now legally binding on all the countries. Again, our Senate never ratified it to make it legally binding. Apparently Obama being in favor of it is considered America’s approval. But if it wasn’t ratified by the Senate, how the heck is it binding on us????
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