Posted on 10/07/2016 8:26:47 PM PDT by Pinkbell
“Second, she not only defended a rapist, (that she herself felt was guilty), but a CHILD rapist.”
I don’t think Hillary FELT the rapist was guilty; she KNEW it. That’s why she said that because he passed the polygraph she would never trust polygraph tests again.
“Third... she won the case by having the TESTING LAB LOSE the DNA/blood sample that proved he did it.”
That’s true, but wait! there’s more!
Forensics had cut out a piece of the girl’s panties to use in testing. That test proved he was guilty of the rape.
Then she — Hillary — PERSONALLY took the remaining part of the panties to another state to have other tests done. Shock! The outcome was different. The minute she had the panties in her briefcase (or whatever), the chain of evidence was broken and any results should not have been considered.
Then, as you said, when they went to re-check the first sample proving his guilt, the sample was ... ahem ... “lost”.
Classic Republican party.
Big Eff’n surprise from a former Democrat from Silicon Valley. If anything this election is weeding the Rinos out.
Watch for all the RINO sh** heads looking for a way out to take it now.
[Lets talk about how those Utah morons have actually treated women.]
YOU have got that right!
The Dems and MSM saved this October Surprise specifically to derail Evangelical support for Trump. The aim is to dissuade Conservative Christians to stay home on election day, or vote for a third party candidate, not turn them to vote for Clinton. They know the Conservative resolve to stop Hillary, but they believe they can dissuade Conservative Christians to stay home.
The Dems and MSM have spent so much time excusing and covering up for Obamas and Clintons that they shouldnt have any standing when making accusations.
That being said, any Christian who takes this bait and stays home on election day, or turns to a third party candidate, is begging for our nation to be destroyed on the alter of socialism, liberalism, and hedonism.
Trump recently accepted Christ as Lord. I believe that he has been forgiven for past sins. So should we not also forgive. Satan is the one who constantly brings up past sins to discredit our salvation. He, Satan, loves to declare us as hypocrites for past stands and actions that contradict our current good life.
Other than Hillary and Bill carrying a Bible, have we ever seen any moral or righteous stand by either of them? Have we ever seen any action or verbal expression by either them, or the current occupant of the White House, condemning Islam as Anti-Christ. The fundamental document of Islam declares itself to be Anti-Christ by stating that God cannot have a son.
All Christian of good conscience should look at the actions of the Clintons (actions not words), and the past actions of the liberal, progressive left (actions not words), and recognize how they have been conducting a cultural war on Christianity and Judaism over the last half century.
Our nation cannot be restored until the lawless actions (actions not words), and inaction (failure to enforce laws they disagree with) of the left are reversed, and our American Republic restored.
We are in a political war where the socialist, progressives, atheist, anarchist, and the forces of the Anti-Christ are on one side, and those who support our American Republic and the Judeo-Christian values and beliefs are on the other.
If the enemy wins this battle, our nation will, without revival, fall to a godless coalition that will fight over the remains after destroying ouy Republic.
Yes, we need a revival, but more importantly we need to preserve our nation as that City On A Hill, a nation dedicated to those freedoms and rights guaranteed under our Constitution. A government that can only exist when a moral people take a stand, and not abandon that dream exposed by our Founding Fathers. Christians and Jews who believe and accept Gods Word need to stand with our nation and not abandon the one chance to restore our Republic.
The forces that are aligned against us are strong, but we cannot abandon the fight based upon Trumps past words, spoken during a moment of pride and bravado in private conversation.
We need to recognize that those who make the charges do not have the good of our country in mind, or the preservation of our Republic.
Where were the Democrats when it was revealed that Bill Clinton raped a woman in 1977?
Oh, that is simple.
They were out defending him.
She just needed to put some ice on that.
The Republican Party will self-destruct if they don’t try to rally and get behind Donald Trump. Over the years I’ve given you thousands of dollars to Republican candidates I will not give a single dime in the future. I’ve never seen a group of people act like bigger babies they need to grow up
I’d bet my life savings that this fraud would love to have his daughter meet Bill Clinton. In fact, he’d probably love for her to intern for Clinton.
Lottery tickets could be sold for a chance to be hangman. Enough tickets would be sold to pay off the national debt.
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