To: Henchster; VTenigma; SJackson
It doesnt matter. Obamas Negotiators didnt have any negotiations to hack. They simply agreed to everything Iran asked for, and then paid them billions of dollars in cash as a bonus for the pleasure of doing business with them. Yeah, but if her email was hacked, the American public might have been able to find out the details earlier.
Seriously though, the Iranians HAD to read the team's emails. Otherwise, they would not have believed the US negotiators were actually that stupid and that naive.
14 posted on
09/24/2016 5:20:49 PM PDT by
Robert A Cook PE
(I can only donate monthly, but socialists' ABBCNNBCBS continue to lie every day!)
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
"Seriously though, the Iranians HAD to read the team's emails. Otherwise, they would not have believed the US negotiators were actually that stupid and that naive. " Have you ever met Jean Francois Kerry? - I didn't think so. But you know what an incredibly stupid, naive, clumsy and untrustworthy doofus he is just from seeing him on TV. Well, the Iranians actually met him, and the only thing they couldn't believe was that he was even dumber than they thought he was.
16 posted on
09/24/2016 5:28:56 PM PDT by
(Free Republic - the BEST site on the web!)
To: Robert A. Cook, PE
Might have been hacked by Iranians, Russians, Chinese and Israelis.
17 posted on
09/24/2016 5:40:35 PM PDT by
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