What is done by executive action can be undone by executive action. Go Trump!
Inflict as much harm as possible before leaving office. This government has done everything but strafe Middle America.
there are some otherwise happy American’s walking around today that will be dead in months/years to come because of this stoopid move by traitor Obama!
Orlando and San Bernardino were just a start! Hillary and Obama and Ryan and others are doing their best to insure this outcome!
what about the christians
and Obama only has 5 months left
How is it that the progressives refuse to understand that just ten committed and trained jihadists can cost thousands of America lives. It’s not a racial confrontation, it’s ideological / religious hatred of Americans regardless of our races or religions. They are more than willing to sacrifice fellow Islamic extremists if it furthers the goal of religious domination. It all seems simple to me. Self protection of non Islamists isn’t a complex or racially charged goal.