I would like to know the specifics of the sermon, delivery, makeup of congregation, etc.
There are ways to preach the truth biblically and uncompromisingly while STILL being winsome. Especially if a pastor knows his people.
“There are ways to preach the truth biblically and uncompromisingly while STILL being winsome.”
Tell the Apostle Paul:
On the next Sabbath almost the entire population of the city assembled to hear the message of God, but when the Jews saw the crowds they were filled with jealousy and contradicted what Paul was saying, covering him with abuse. At this Paul and Barnabas did not mince their words but said, We felt it our duty to speak the message of God to you first, but since you spurn it and evidently do not think yourselves fit for eternal life, watch us now as we turn to the Gentiles! Indeed the Lord has commanded us to do so with the words: I have set you to be a light to the Gentiles, that you should be for salvation to the ends of the earth.
When the Gentiles heard this they were delighted and thanked God for his message. All those who were destined for eternal life believed, and the Word of the Lord spread over the whole country. But the Jews worked upon the feelings of religious and respectable women and some of the leading citizens, and succeeded in starting a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them from the district. - Acts 13