Posted on 06/11/2016 3:51:03 PM PDT by Hojczyk
Who is Plouffe and why should I give a frog’s fat ass what he thinks?
Yeppers, the man is lazy.
Oh, really! I guess if you build a 10 billion dollar empire, you are lazy.
More garbage from Hillary’s twit section, couldn’t find their butt in a wet paper bag...
Pound on Trump all you want...HE is going to be the next POTUS!!!
What’s a Plouffe?
Yeah, that one is going to stick compared to Hillary.
Pray America wakes
Lazy, what the hell? Trump is tireless and speaks at a rally almost every night. Give me a break. Look at Cankles if you want to see lazy or Zero and his witch? OMG
It’s getting desperate. The left and the right attacking.
The Uniparty is completely exposed and they are some ugly bastards.
The sound one hears when dropping a deuce in a port-a-potty?
LOL! This is going to be a very interesting summer. Trump is going to eviscerate Hitlery laying out the facts of her shenanigans for the past 40 years while they respond with “Yeah, well you’re lazy and a stinky face, and a racist, and a lady hater, and and and you smell nyah nyah”
If Trump walked on water, critics the next day would complain that Trump can’t swim.
Trump works hard - he puts in the effort into everything, unlike many people.
And he plays it smart. He’s got the Washington punditocracy all bollixed up.
Remember, the smartest people in the room like David Plouffe said he would never win the nomination.
Here we are. Now who’s “lazy?”
Doncha love how everybody is telling Trump what he should be doing to win, when he’s already winning by not listening to them?
Often time there is a very fine line between lazy and efficient. Work smarter not harder is the battle cry of all people who are successful in their jobs.
Yeah as opposed to Hillary who manages and scripts everything down to pinching a loaf.
“Trump is “not doing basic things” that are expected, or required, of a major party’s nominee, such as explaining his policies in clear talking points and drawing distinct contrasts with his opponent.”
I hear Trump drawing a distinct contrast between Hillary and himself all the time. I guess Plouffe’s not been listening. Maybe Plouffe means that Trump should work “hope and change” into every other sentence like he had 0bama doing.
I think it is that funny fart sound made from Hillary’s favorite part of Huma....
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