Posted on 04/19/2016 8:27:08 AM PDT by SeekAndFind
Actually, he believes the US should be far more like the old USSR.
Good job getting this in the first five posts. I knew I could count on Freepers to be quick on the keyboard.
"Why do we need 20 kinds of toilet paper to choose from, when we can have an empty shelf where one kind of toilet paper would have been?"
With apologies to Larry David.
big Bump
Watch for lines around the block to buy your monthly roll of rationed paper.
The Commissar-in-Chief, of course, will wipe his behind with silk.
The Bern would be happy to have the Castros running the US. To preserve La Reveloution .
BTW, any ideas about this?
“Two Scandinavian economists, Andreas Bergh and Christian Bjørnskov, have documented that a high degree of trust is an old legacy, and that descendants of those who emigrated from Scandinavia 100 years before the welfare state are also more trusting. Their conclusion is that trust in others and social cohesion creates the welfare state rather than the other way around, since it is more tempting to give power to politicians and money to strangers if you believe that they are decent people who would never cheat the system.”
This is the key reason why a degree of socialism has worked in Sweden, whereas it has not worked in other places. Generally speaking northern Europeans are more honest. With the advent of all the immigrants from the middle east and Africa, I got a feeling that the situation there is about to change.
HELL NO ..!!!!!
America is America .. we are different; our government is unlike any other. It is the reason America is the greatest nation on the face of the earth .. and our Christian heritage has a lot to do with it.
Along with our support of Israel, America has been blessed beyond compare with other nations. Our current president does not believe that .. and his goal is continuing to make us believe we must be like EUROPE .. America was not built to be like Europe.
If you love Europe, well .. move there. Stop trying to make America like Sweden or any other country.
one thing to notice, I always had the impression the Swedish women are mostly blondes. take a closer, they are fake blondes. the Germans have more real blondes than Sweden
Sweden is a very dishonest country. they hide their true unemployment rate be filing those people as in training. you cannot compare their true GDP since the government owns most of the businesses. plus if you read the story of the founder of Ikea, Sweden did as much aS POSSIBLE TO STOP him from being a business owner. including charging him extra in taxes.
As long as it is a color found in nature I am good.
Hmm... Reduced taxes for three years ... wonder if they need software engineers? :)
In that entire defense-of-Sweden essay, there is not one mention - not one - of the Muslim invasion and occupation of entire Swedish cities, Malmo as the worst example.
I read twenty years ago that already Muslim migrants were speaking Swedish with a flat, atonal accent, devoid of the lilt we used to hear in the Volvo ads.
This Swedish writer is ignoring a huge smelly Islamic elephant in the room even as it defecates on the IKEA furniture.
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