IMO, if Springsteen and Starr had contracts to appear, they should be sued for the lost profits (if any) from their ancient history performances...
I’m proud of North Carolina upholding their law...Men should NEVER be allowed to dress, shower, or pee with little girls...
Agreed but with the star power lawyers they have they gotta have some sort of escape clause built in to the contracts. Equal treatment for all right? LOL! I saw a discussion about the bathroom issue the other day and right after they went in to a discussion about uber like car service for women only driven by women out of safety concerns. But the bathroom issue was “Let the x-gender people use anyone they choose.” Cabs, no. WTH? None are so blind as those that will not see.
Some federal judge should force Brucie to perform against his will. Then he might get an idea of what it’s like to run a bakery in Oregon....
If a Christian baker can be forced to bake a cake for a gay “wedding,” even though it goes against his/her beliefs, shouldn’t Springsteen be forced to perform in NC?