IMO, if Springsteen and Starr had contracts to appear, they should be sued for the lost profits (if any) from their ancient history performances...
I’m proud of North Carolina upholding their law...Men should NEVER be allowed to dress, shower, or pee with little girls...
And why wouldn’t they? Clearly they are winning.
Twitter was INVENTED to bully and herd people into PC compliance.
If I boycotted all the corporations that are filled with rune by idiotic politically correct imbeciles I would probably save $50,000 a year before I starved to death.
I think we need to organize a protest where men go to liberal universities and city halls and government bulidings and corporate headquarters that allow men to use women’s bathrooms and just piss all over the seats. Do it every day. Eventually they will get the message that women just don’t want to share their toilet facilities with people who have penises.
All the older #NeverGOPe tweets have been deleted on Twitter.
I want to hear about creepy unshaven men going into the women’s rooms in the state capitol building. Walking in on the women lawmakers and the women assistants. I am dying to hear about this.