"My family's here!"
"My opponent gets in front of a podium & spouts rhetoric"
U folks takin’ bout’ Mr. Ryun?
I had a smile on my face for a week after we Cantorized this weasel
well, a*****e, ALL the evidence point to...
So just p** off!
<><> the showboating Cantor had tons of money---spent 26X times his opponent's $100K.
<><> Cantor consistently polled an astounding 34 points ahead of his unknown opponent.
<><> Cantor was considered "inevitable" and "untouchable".
<><> Cantor had no ethics problems.
<><> Cantor sucked-up to an anti-tea party group.
<><> Cantor sucked up to the latino vote.
<><> Cantor showboated his leadership---was deeply into (gag) "diversity."
<><> Brat ran as Cantor's TERM LIMIT
<><> Brat roundly opposed, and was vociferous against amnesty.
<><> Brat ran as a staunch conservative (now in Congress he has a bonafide 100% conservative rating.)
<><> On election day, Brat got 18,000 more Repub out to the polls than the previous election that elected Cantor.
HERE'S THE KICKER Cantor ran high-priced ads
delineating his opponent's "inferior" positions... but
voters liked what they heard and came out in droves for Brat.
Cruz made no effort to help Brat in his uphill race against the show-boating insider......Cantor. No wonder not one Republican Senator his endorsed Cruz.
None whatever.
Cantor's hard Left immigration policies were the central cause of his defeat.
A few months later, House Republicans overwhelmingly voted to elect Kevin McCarthy to Cantor's old job.
At the time Kevin McCarthy was elected as the new Majority Leader, he had a F-minus immigration voting grade from the Conservative website Numbers USA!
Thinking about Cantor being Cantored still brings a smile to my face.
If we can just Cantor Paul Rino I may never stop smiling.