Posted on 10/18/2015 4:41:47 AM PDT by Alas Babylon!
The Talk Shows
October 18th, 2015
Guests to be interviewed today on major television talk shows:
FOX NEWS SUNDAY (Fox Network): Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
MEET THE PRESS (NBC): Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz; Reps. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., and Mike Pompeo, R-Kans.
FACE THE NATION (CBS): Reps. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., and Elijah Cummings, D-Md.
THIS WEEK (ABC): Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders; Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson; Reps. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., and Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii.
STATE OF THE UNION (CNN): 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney.
Sharyl Attkissons Full Measure Live on Sundays live stream Watch Full Measure episodes live on the link on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. EST. Republican Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, who will question Clinton as she testifies to the House Benghazi committee.
Finally, Cruz AND Trump on Sunday!
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM NBC's "Meet the Press"
Sharyl Attkissons Live Measure live stream
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ABC's "This Week"
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM "Fox News Sunday"
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM CNN's "State of the Union"
4:30 PM - 5:00 PM CBS's "Face The Nation"
Listen at the link above WHILE you FReep!
Meet the Press Meet the Press mailbox (web page for comments)
Face the Nation
Fox News Sunday
ABC This Week
CNN State of the Union CNN State of the Union (web page for comments)
The Sunday Morning Bray, by Bray!
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Why did the Dems on stage care more about every loser in this country and every other country than they did the people who make this country work? If you are a group who hates America or a group like #blacklivesmatter that hates cops you were put on a pedestal, but if you pull the wagon you got the whip. The main two leaders of the debate were trying to outgive each other as to how much they were going to punish the earners and reward their kiddies.
If anyone has walked in a parade with any candidate you will notice the first thing they do is put candy in buckets to throw it the length of the parade. This is what Harpy and Bernie Santa were doing; throwing candy to their voters and making everyone pay the bill. They of course like all good Marxists were vilifying those who pay those bills and making them sound greedy for wanting to keep what they earn while playing up the envy people naturally have for the successful. They are simply throwing candy to their voters.
It is really amazing how far this Party has moved to openly being Marxists. When one of their serious candidates will openly admit he wants to take 90% of a persons earnings away from him to give to the gummit and nobody blinks is phenomenal. To think there are people out there who can justify basically taking someones entire earnings is a statement of where this country has come. God only demands we give 10% and we have politicians who want to steal the remainder speaks to the level of brainwashing this country has seen.
Once they have the people agreeing there are people who deserve their entire income should be forfeited then candidates like Bernie and Hillary can become Santa. You want a new house, car or TV they can give it for the greater good. Once you establish they are the deciders of who keeps and who doesnt then the gummit becomes the behemoth we have now.
Their main problem now is they have stolen so much American earnings they have run out of people to give it to. When you are throwing candy you dont necessarily want it going to the children who wont vote for you so you have to direct it to your voters like the blacks and unemployed, but you need more to get the ballot box filled. So you now offer it to Mexicans and then make them US citizens and get them voting Marxist. They are coming from a Marxist country so that conversion is pretty simple, so open the borders and give them welfare and let the working class pay for it.
What they are saying is everyone in the world deserves a hardworking Americans wages more than the person that earned it. They sell it as they will tax everyone who makes more than you and give it to you. What they really mean is they are going to take what you have earned by hard work and give it to someone else. They understand you can be fooled into justifying the taking of someone elses money which justifies the taking of yours.
After they have convinced you that keeping what you earn is a bad idea then they eliminate any accountability of those taxes. They make sure you send yours in with the threat of jail, but they have nobody making sure those funds are spent wisely. That money is sent to the District of Corruption which is floating in a swamp of money with no safeguards. All of that money is traded amongst the corrupt and rather going to someone who needs it, it is used to employ bureaucrats who make rules and regulations how that money will be distributed with most of it staying in DC.
One of the secrets that is not mentioned in our daily brainwashing sessions about Marxism is that the Inner Circle becomes very wealthy. Just like Putin, Castro and Stalin, Hillary is well on her way to becoming a billionaire from graft and corruption. Putin is rumored to be worth 5 billion and Castro over one, they become exceedingly rich while their people starve in the sugar cane fields with horrible healthcare and eating rice. Harpy Clinton while vilifying the 1% is worth over a quarter a billion from graft and corruption while being put on a pedestal.
What Marxists refuse to tell their supporters is that being in the Inner Circle is where the truth lies. While they berate the wealthy they are fixing the system for themselves. They paint a picture of utopia when they are actually placing the chains on your ankles for the imprisonment of shared poverty. They force you to work extra hours while they find method after method to take more and more from your paycheck. Their goal is for you to work for free so they can throw candy to their children on the curb as they keep half of the bucket for themselves.
This is what happens when man determines what is justified rather than God. When God blesses his believers or nonbelievers with his grace then the money is shared in his ways. It circulates and generates growing faster and faster in a natural fashion. People are blessed and charities form to help the poor with their humility showing through and blessing those who give. This is how a community grows spiritually and holistically with leaders being formed dynamically through competence and respect on an equal playing field.
We have moved away integrity and competence since the Inner Circle has become a rigged system controlled by corrupted methods and favoritism. We saw and heard that corruption in the debate as they went to their favorite clichés and insinuation to maintain their system. Nobody represents that system more than Clinton and Sanders who have both been a part of it for fifty years. They both enjoy the benefits of that system and will perpetuate and grow it if elected. The children on the curb wait in anticipation for that handful coming their way so they can get a sugar treat before the brat next to them does.
Pray America wakes
Note: The above opinion is not necessarily my own, but FReeper Brays. If you wish to discuss this, please ping Bray.
Once again, thanks AB for this thread.
Trump will dominate TV this morning on FNC but there does seem to be some good guests on the usual liberal Sunday programs. Should be interesting for a change.
LOL @ CNN scraping the bottom of the barrel.
What if anything does that man have to do with anything in the current news?
He had his chance and clutched possibly as he was instructed to do. He should be hiding his head in shame— never speaking in public again!
Really...Milt Romney? Seriously? Go away, one (outside the communist media) has any interest in what you have to say.
Lots of ass kicking will be going on today.
The Donald will wipe the table with wall ass,cruz with F. Chuck, Trey with the cbs driveby. Could be good.
Meanwhile zeros Iranian deal keeps getting worse:
Seems there is a not so secret Iranian base with missiles pointed all over the place that zero forgot to mention.Sooner or sooner the world will have to admit he is a traitor and working for the crazed muzzies.
Thanks for thread A.B. We have some good guests. Hope they get to say what’s on their mind.
Morning AB, All.....
Was supposed to sing in choir this morning but Choir director in hospital as he has Munchausen, yes he does and I’ve said it often.
So Diane Feinstein led the singing at the Saturday mass and I drove us up.
Friday we went over, me and Diane Feinstein-more on her later- and cleaned the house my daughter, who has now lost her child, her dogs and got a restraining order against me while she is now in a loony bin in Washington DC where she is very happy, thank you very much.
There was over a foot of dog crap over the entire house!
Beautiful house, yon readers. Gorgeous kitchen, center island, granite countertops, stainless steel appliances. As DIFI was helping me clean she kept lamenting the beauty of the house, the gorgous modern washing machine and dryer....beautiful fenced-in yard.
And God knows how longs those dogs were alone in that house. She put out a bag of dog food but for all that shit on the floor, they had to be there at least a week, perhaps a couple.
So DIFI, God bless, she gets a broom and starts cleaning (oddly enough the place did NOT stink) and I COULDN’T MAKE HER STOP!
And FLEAS! OMG we came back to my house and had to hose each other down. The place is crawling with fleas. Lord how those dogs must have suffered. She said nothing to anyone.
Her husband, my granddaughter’s father and who she also got a restraining order against cause she loves the things, came and got the dogs and they are now in temporary housing.
Meanwhile, my granddaughter lives in a basement with her father, hospital-addicted daughter lives in a loony bin as she has since 8/1/15 while that nice house sits empty because daughter does not want a house unless it’s in a hospital. Her last words when she left the house were “I’m going back to the hospital where I belong.”
Daughter is applying for, GET THIS....Section 8 housing! SHE ALREADY OWNS A HOME! But of course she’s going to say she can’t live there, that her mother is across the street trying to kill her...yada, yada and more nut talk.
Should the taxpayers have to pay for her apartment, the queen-sized nutjob who doesn’t know how to live unless she’s in a hospital?
Anyway....I am going to handle this. I did get to visit with my granddaughter, first time since May, and it was wonderful.
God is going to help me and someday, y’all know it’s going to happen, this story will get out. Don’t know where or how, of course I shall write a book....but yon readers will turn on the TV and there I will be, telling the most amazing story of how one nut job got free lawyers, free food, free housing, money for the main stuff of Mountain Dew and cigarettes, restraining orders against everyone who bothered’s a good story but I sure wish it wasn’t happening to me. All of this with the help, love and kindness of the gubmint that daughter knows to manipulate with the skill of a sharpshooter.
Oh, daughter’s husband has “temporary” custody of granddaughter. He has to pay almost ten thousand for a lawyer while daughter gets for free to do her bidding whenever she wants. Someday, I hate to say this, daughter is going to jail. And I am going to be instrumental in sending her there.
Anyway....Mitt Romney they’re pulling out of the mothballs?
I am watching, paying attention, and will provide my wise commentary as required, thank me very much.
Of course thank you AB for doing this thread, thank you yon commenters and thank you Bray for your excellent missives, a real nice way to open this thread every week, just so you know.
Answer is because the left has political strategy using every group they have created to destroy us in each and every election.
They get how to win we don't.
It's all about focus,they have it we don't.
No one knows how to win a local election any better than you do but that does not translate into a national win,we need help and quickly.
We haven't learned how to win yet,we have the right on our side but not the strategy which counts more than being right if you want to win.
I spoke with one of our reps Friday,he's struggling to make things happen.Appears there won't be a speaker any time soon,no one will run and the ones that will can't get enough votes.Newt won't happen, neither will Trey,or Ryan or McCarthy. So we are stuck with Boehner for a while.
In the meantime, the Republicans currently in Congress do nothing to turn back the Iran Not-A-Treaty; O'Bama got his little agreement through and there is nothing they can do about it. And then the lifers wonder why outsiders are leading in the polls.
Can't wait until the Democrats get a non-lifer in the presidential mix.
Juan Williams and Donald Trump - the first 30 seconds would be worthy of a pay per view event. After that it would be Donald talking to Juan's exploded head, so maybe not so much.
If ISIS is going into business and selling oil and not paying their employees at least $15 per hour, that might trigger an actual reaction from Baraq O’Bama. Oh, the furyy!
LOl,his guys work or get beheaded.....Pretty good incentive...
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